There are clear distinctions between action research and traditional research. Let us examine the qualities that separate the two strands of research. Traditional research is generally rooted in theory. It builds off of previous research that has been completed in the past. In effect, it adds validation to claims people have made in the past (adaptive learning). It involves the development of a hypothesis by building upon previous research or well known theories. Moreover, this research must be replicable and generalizable. Action research on the other hand typically refers to research conducted by those individuals with direct control over their environment (practitioners) and whose purpose is to come up with specific plans of improvement to a given problem (or actionable changes). Since I am an educator myself, the scope of the research contained herein is generally reflective of action research given my experience as a teacher with direct and convenient access to certain demographics of learners.



The general steps in order to conduct action research are as follows:


Research methods include: quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods.

Research questions will drive which method you employ!






ETEC 543

ETEC 543

The artifacts provided reflect the scope of our action research and include our course's final paper as well as our group presentation.

Additionally, a website chronicling the development of our team's action research can be found here:

ETEC 543 Presentation.pdf



Final Paper

Reflection (ETEC 543)

ETEC 543 did a wonderful job of exposing us to the various components involved with action research. It provided us with the opportunity to undertake research concerning realistic topics that affect modern educational environments. Additionally, we were able to collectively employ our efforts towards researching issues that were meaningful and relevant to our profession. For our particular group, we opted for the identification of factors that contribute to technology underutilization in secondary school settings. Through our work, we were better able to delve into the challenges that educators face with regard to technology implementation and also address key strategies that may contribute to the curtailing of low tech usage. The work generated in this course was integral in the understanding of school-based problems and the methods employed in the analysis of data will hopefully be able to guide future school-site plans that rely on data for planning purposes.

ETEC 643

ETEC 643

I have provided artifacts that reflect the my work conducted for ETEC 643. The following website chronicles the development of my project:

Reflection (ETEC 643)

ETEC 643 refined my understanding of action research pertinent to my career in education. Through this course, I came to understand the intricacies associated with principles of sampling, research design, data analysis via statistical methods and computer software, and drawing connections among findings. The inception of the course allowed me the opportunity to investigate educational research problems relevant to the field of education. Through this course I was able to select and develop researchable issues that made use of instructional technology. I conducted a literature review that highlighted what is currently being done by other professionals. This led me to develop an understanding of major research trends related to the use of instructional technology. Moreover, ETEC 643 provided me with clarity regarding the various types of research design (i.e. quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods, etc) and the appropriateness of each approach towards our individual problems. Finally, I was able to materialize my findings and assess their significance on my professional endeavors.


Throughout the course of my learning, I developed the habit of outlining my notes concerning assigned readings. Below are my chapter summaries created using Google Slides.

ETEC543 Chapter Summaries.pdf


Craig A. Mertler (2017) Action Research Improving Schools and Empowering Educators. London, SAGE Publication