Choosing College, Changing Lives!
What is GEAR UP?
GEAR UP is a federally funded initiative aimed at helping students and their families prepare for college success. Region One Education Service Center, with your child, his/her school, teachers, and principals, have already begun specific initiatives to help your child prepare for education after high school graduation.
The goal of GEAR UP is to help students like your child prepare for a high school pathway that leads to a college, university or technical school. Your child will have an opportunity to participate in the following activities:
Presentations on study skills, organizational skills, career planning, goal setting, communication skills, financial literacy and leadership development.
Tutoring in academic areas such as ELA, math, science, and social studies, including Pre AP, AP, and early college credit courses.
Mentoring that offers guidance toward obtaining a college education.
Field trips to local universities, colleges, and technical institutions.
College admissions, entrance exams, financial aid awareness, and financial literacy for students and parents.
What will GEAR UP do?
The GEAR UP grant is focused on improving student outcomes and readiness for academic success at all levels. The GEAR UP team commits to provide support and/or enhance student support services such as tutoring, mentoring, and counseling/advising. We pledge to reach out to families and community partners to help ensure all students have a strong support system.
GEAR UP will provide experiential learning opportunities such as college tours, job shadows/job site visits, or educational field trips.
GEAR UP will help build sustainability by facilitating or providing professional learning avenues for GEAR UP teachers and campuses.