K2D News

Ms. Dolan's Busy Bee's Monthly Newsletter - Whats the buzz?!

Important Dates 

Tuesday, February 7th- wear red tag day 

Monday, February 13th- 100th day of school

Week of February 20-24th- February vacation, no school  

A Peak At What We Are Learning 

Reading: We will learn about the "an" and "ay" word families and continue to learn number words.

Writing: We will learn about narrative writing.

Math: We will learn and practice subtraction.

Science/ Social Studies: We will learn about Groundhogs, Dental Health, Presidents, and Black History Month. 

Religion: We will learn about God's love and who Saint Valentine was.


Contact me at: m.dolan@sbcatholicacademy.org 

or call SBCA at 617-268-2326