K2A News

Welcome to K2A 2022-2023

New Poems 

Acorn Song

I’m an acorn, small and round

Lying on the cold, cold, ground

People always step on me

That is why I’m cracked, you see.

I’m a nut!

I’m a nut!

I’m a nut!  

I’m a nut!

I’m a nut!

Gray Squirrel Song

Gray squirrel, gray squirrel,

Shake your bushy tail.

Gray squirrel, gray squirrel,

Shake your bushy tail.

Wrinkle up your little nose,

Hold the acorn in your toes.

Shake your bushy tail.

Gray squirrel, gray squirrel,

Shake your bushy tail.

K2 SUPPLY LIST 2022-2023

Welcome, K2 Families,

The following is a list of classroom supplies your child will need to have for the school year.                                                                                 Please send the following supplies to school on the first day of school. In addition, please have all art supplies packed in the art box we ask you to bring.  


K2 Supply List:  

Please label the art box, backpack, lunchbox, and water bottle with your child’s name. 

We will send a request for additional cleaning supplies after the first week of school. Due to limited storage, we will only be asking a portion of the class to bring these items in during September. We will reach out to the remaining families as our supplies are needed.

Thank you! 

The K2 Team

Important Dates to Remember!

Classroom Newsletter

K 2 2022-2023

Upcoming Events:  

MAP Testing:

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Friday, September 30, 2022

Wednesday, September 30: Our class will participate in a zoom Live Lesson with Greg Tang. Greg Tang is an author and Math consultant.

Specials Schedule: 

Leaning In K 2 A: 

Literacy: Letter Work: We have been Reviewing and learning the letters of the alphabet.  

The students will get an 

introduction to Fundations: a multisensory and systematic phonics, spelling, and handwriting program.

Poem of the Week: Way Up High in the Apple Tree:

During the week, the students will practice reading, chanting, and singing the new poem. They will listen for rhyming words in the poem and will look for words that begin like apple. This week we will discuss rhyme and rhythm. We will practice tracking the print with a pointing as a whole group each day. The students will get their copy of the poem, where they will practice reading and tracking the print. They will look for any words that begin with the letter Aa, like apple, then will illustrate their poem and show how the poem connects to them. Students will practice reading the poem to a friend, a teacher, or one of our Book Buddies ( stuffed animals). At the end of the week, the poem will go into the poetry journal. We will have a sharing time, and everyone will share their work. The poetry journal will give the students more chances to practice reading a familiar text. 

Math: The students have been counting and working with the numbers 0-5.  

They have been counting, reading, making, and writing the numbers 0-5. They have been counting the quantities in different arrangements. They learn number words, sequence, count to tell how many things are in a group, write numbers, make numbers, and compare numbers.

Handwriting: We have been working on our names and will continue practicing daily. The students will practice writing letters and numbers.


Science: Fall is our theme in science this month.

We will discuss, create, read, and learn about the season.

What makes fall special?

What is the weather like in the fall? 

How does the weather impact different living things?

Social and Emotional: The students will be working on Emotional Self Awareness in the classroom. The goal is for the children to feel safe and brave in K 2 A.  

We will talk about our feelings and feeling words. 

At the beginning of the school year, the students are learning and working to:

Picture Day is this Wednesday, September 28Th