ELO Team

The ELO team consists of the ELO Coordinator, Student Parent/Guardian, School Counselor, Case Monitor, Faculty Advisor, Community Partner and School Administrator

Meet the team

Lauren Jerr

ELO Coordinator

Michele Halligan-Foley

Director, R.W. Creteau Technology Center

Justin Roy

Principal, Spaulding High School

School Counseling Team

School Counselors play a critical role in a students academic and social/emotional journey throughout their high school career. We encourage students to talk with their school counselor about their 4 year plan and if an Extended Learning Opportunity could potentially enhance their high school experience. Students should have a conversation with their counselor first to ensure that an ELO aligns with their longterm goals and will fit into their academic schedule. ELOs can take place during the school day or after school so it's important to work with your counselor at the beginning stages of planning for your ELO. School Counselors must sign-off on all ELO requests.

Faculty Advisors play an integral role in all Extended Learning Opportunities(ELOs). They serve as a mentor for students and help to guide students in their learning and support them through reflective practices. Faculty Advisors are responsible for identifying the competencies that will be addressed and assessed through each unique ELO. They will schedule regular check-ins with the student and support the student as they work to complete their ELO Capstone Project. Faculty volunteer to serve as a faculty advisor to support students interested in extending their learning outside of the traditional classroom.

Student Responsibilities

  • Meet all academic and attendance requirements of the school and the ELO program.

  • Arrive on time , or inform faculty advisor/community partner of any absence or tardiness as soon as possible.

  • Follow all classroom/worksite policies and procedures, including adhering to all safety rules and procedures.

  • Meet the objectives set forth in the ELO Plan

  • Complete a weekly record of hours worked, and submit it to the ELO Coordinator

Faculty Responsibilities

  • Provide the agreed to ELO experience for the student for the full length of time in this agreement.

  • Structure learning by assigning a variety of tasks and by giving the student an opportunity to work in a variety of areas consistent with the objectives set forth in the ELO plan.

  • Provide the student with specific instruction related to any assigned tasks or to the use of any specific equipment.

  • Ensure that the student’s work is supervised by an experienced and qualified person.

  • Ensure that the worksite meets all safety regulations and is free from obvious hazards.

  • Record hours worked.

  • Complete evaluations of the student’s work as requested by the ELO Coordinator.

School Responsibility

  • Support the student in deriving the most benefit from the ELO experience.

  • Provide all necessary training to prepare the student for the work-based learning experience.

  • Monitor the academic progress of the student.

  • Perform a worksite evaluation to ensure a safe work environment.

  • Ensure that credit is received for successful completion of the experience.

  • Provide guidance and counseling to the student to support their career-planning decisions.

Parent Responsibilities

  • Support the student’s efforts to successfully complete the ELO experience.

  • Complete any paperwork required for the student’s participation in the program.