US History

EQ: How do events from 20th Century US History relate to issues in the United States today?

Class Code for Block 3 is: glydyna

Class Code for Block 7 is: oxtnfpf

What fascinates you? What interests you? WHY??

This is the question that will drive everything we do this year. You will be looking into whatever interests you through the lens of 20th Century US History.

Steps in the process:

  1. Decide what interests you

  2. Decide what you want to explore about this subject.

  3. Turn that into a question for you to answer -

    • Example: I'm interested in food. I especially love ice cream, and want to explore everything about it.

    • Question: how did we come up with the variety of flavors of ice cream we have today?

  4. Now - think about how you will show me what you learn about your subject!