Global Connect Program

What is the Global Connect Program?

The Global Connect signature program seeks to develop students’ knowledge, skills, and global awareness required to understand multiple perspectives and thrive in an increasingly interconnected and diverse world. Over the course of their high school experience, students in the Global Connect program will pursue an intellectual and experiential  path that focuses on globally-based courses, world language study, immersive travel, service learning, and a senior Capstone research project. 

Students will house their experiences in a Global Portfolio, which will include reflections of their high school experiences through a global lens, aligned with the UN Global Goals. Participation in our signature program helps to build global literacy and 21st century skills. Upon successful completion, submission, review and presentations of their Global Portfolios by our Faculty Advisors, students will be awarded recognition as PHS Global Scholars upon graduation. 

This program is offered to all PHS students who are interested in making larger connections to our global society through leadership and immersive experiences. We are hoping to bring together a cohort of students at the start of the 2023-2024 school year to launch the Global Connect Program. If you are interested in being part of this inaugural group, please fill out the application form by the end of summer break. We will reach out to applicants once school starts in the fall to provide program details and supports through an advisory model. 

If you have any additional questions, please contact Ms. St. Laurent or Ms. McGrimley. 

Program Requirements

Global Scholars have a variety of globally-focused courses they can take during their high school experience. These courses are not limited to subject area, but rather span all disciplines. Depending on the pathway students choose for their high school experience, all Global Scholars will reflect on their coursework through their Global Portfolio and make connections to the UN Global Goals they've selected to guide their journey. 

Global Scholars are required to learn and be proficient at least one world language: 

Immersive cultural experiences allow Global Scholars to undertake a journey of discovery that opens up a world of possibilities for academic, cross-cultural, and personal growth. Being completely surrounded with the newness of an unfamiliar place, whether close to home or abroad, allows students to encounter new perspectives that challenge their worldview and spark bold solutions to critical issues. The main goals of these immersive experiences are for PHS Global Scholars to embrace various cultures that are uniquely different from ours while also recognizing the similarities of what make us all global citizens.  

International travel is highly encouraged to fulfill the immersive experience requirement for the program. However, the requirement does not obligate students to travel outside of the country. For some Global Scholars, the immersive experience may take the shape of hosting an exchange student for a semester. For others, who may have moved to Portsmouth from other states or countries, the immersive experience might be the time spent as a student at PHS, whose community identity differs from that of home. Students who are considering an immersive experience that does not include travel should speak to the faculty advisory team ahead of time.

Community service is a large part of the Global Connect Program.  Determining service opportunities is something that students should think deeply about.  Your service work will be ongoing,  throughout your four year experience.  Students should select service opportunities connected to their Global Goals and reflect on them each year in their Global Portfolios. Global Scholars are required to earn a minimum of 20 service hours per year (sophomore to senior year). Students can fulfill this requirement in many different ways: 

Local enrichment activities with a global focus are offered throughout the year, both in and out of school. Our Global Scholars are encouraged to engage in these events and make connections to their global paths. Reflections to their local enrichments activities will be cited in their Global Portfolios. Participation in three local enrichment activities per school year are required. Some activities include:

Capstone Research Project

Students in the Global Connect program will complete a senior capstone research project based on personal and academic interests. Students will create an essential question that focuses the project around one or more of the UN Global Goals. Students will read published works on their subject, write a research paper, create a product, and present their project. While the capstone can be completed independently with oversight from a faculty advisor, it is highly encouraged that Global Connect students enroll in the English Capstone Project class during senior year. 

Global Portfolio

By the end of senior year, PHS Global Scholars will have created a digital portfolio that documents their global experiences throughout high school. The portfolio will be a collection of reflections, photos, and notes that illustrate how the student has fulfilled each of the program requirements: Global Coursework, World Language, Immersive Experience, Service, Local Enrichment, and Capstone Research. Faculty advisors will review the portfolios and encourage students to continue adding their experiences throughout their sophomore, junior, and senior years.