About the Team

ECO Club's Mission

As a club, we are striving to create a more sustainable high school and promote environmental awareness through education, action, and engagement. We work with the city council and our school administrators to do our best to make our school and city more eco-friendly. 

How you can help!

By purchasing a spot in this market, you are supporting ECO Club and our goal to make the Seacoast more sustainable. 

In 2024, our goal is to improve the sustainability of the greenhouse and gardens. Longterm, we hope to start a farm-to-table program with produce grown at Portsmouth High School. 

If you cannot buy a spot or come and support this event, look for other ways to be more sustainable. Eat less meat, carpool with other people, and try to compost! 

For more sustainability suggestions, follow us on Instagram at @phs_eco!

Why is Shopping Local So Important?

Often, larger corporations have larger carbon footprints (the total amount of greenhouse gases generated by one's actions). These greenhouse gases are proven to impact global warming, weather patterns, and more. Larger carbon footprints are generally the result of cheaper means of mass-scale production. However, the small businesses, artisans, and vendors featured at the Seacoast Spring Market are unique, as they produce a smaller carbon footprint to satisfy their audience. 

Come to the Seacoast Spring Market to help the Seacoast community become more environmentally friendly!

Portsmouth High School ECO Team: Gallery

Our greenhouse at the school! 

Annual spring Plant Sale 2021!

Watering the planters!

Eco Club circa 2018!

Welcoming our Freshman at the Freshman Carnival! 

Promoting sustainability around our school!

Portsmouth High School Green Wall 2016!

Two Time Silver Sustainability Award Winner!