Meet The Counselor

Lori Arsenault, M.EdSchool CounselorRye Elementary School
(603) 436-4731 phone(603) 431-6702 fax

Hello! Welcome to another fantastic school year here at Rye Elementary School! My name is Lori Arsenault. I am an SAU50 alumni, having grown up in Newington and attended the Portsmouth schools for Middle School and High School. This year is my 7th year at Rye Elementary and my eleventh year as a School Counselor. I absolutely love my job and I can't imagine doing anything else!

I live in Newington, NH with my husband of 10 years and our beloved Golden Doodle, Gus. We have two wonderfully spunky and sweet girls, Ruby and Mia. I am an avid runner and a huge fan of anything outdoors. I am addicted to M&Ms and seltzer, but trying to kick my Diet Coke and Starbucks habits. :) I value my time with friends and I am blessed to have strong family roots.

A long time ago :) in my mid twenties, while waiting tables and bartending, I was struggling to find my calling. I felt frustrated and discouraged because I wasn't on a career path that felt meaningful to me, and yet, the social pressures (perceived and real) around me told me I was far behind and had to figure it out soon! After a lot of soul searching, and some backpacking in Europe :), I landed on three facts: I LOVE working with people and learning their stories; I am energized and inspired when working with children; and I understand that we each have our own journeys and when mine was validated and I was empowered, I found confidence and grew. So I figured out that School Counseling was where I belonged...and the rest is history!

I truly look forward to working with you and your child this year. I am a HUGE proponent of communication, so if you have any questions or concerns throughout the year, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Stay Healthy. Stay Strong. Stay Positive!


Lori :)

Soon after I returned from my backpacking trip across Europe, my twin sister gave me a hard copy of Peter Reynold's The North Star. Knowing that I felt lost and discouraged, she wanted to validate my path and remind me that I would figure it all out in due time.

I consider this book to be a foundational block of my philosophy on how we raise children and how we each learn to be proud of all we bring to the world.