Physical Education

Hi everyone!

Here are some additional ideas on ways to be active and more resources that you can access. Stay healthy and active!

The Granite State 90 Day Winter Challenge is to be physically active for 30 minutes or more every day! Check out local NH parks and trails!

  • CBeebies Andy's Wild Workouts-Beach

  • Check out Interactive activities, short articles, and movies on various topics such as how the body works, recipes and cooking, and nutrition and fitness.

  • Jump Rope Rhymes: Let’s see how long we can jump our ropes using the endurance rhymes listed below. To start, begin jumping your rope while calling out the rhyme. Keep counting (or saying the alphabet) until you make a jump rope mistake and have to stop. How many jumps can you make in a row with no mistakes? After you master each rhyme, work to try and add all of the different jump rope tricks that you know.

• I can jump. I can hop. How many jumps before I stop? 1, 2, 3, 4...

• Up, and up. Down, and down. Jump and make the world go ‘round! 1, 2, 3, 4...

• Pick a fruit. Pick a veggie. How many picked before I’m ready? 1, 2, 3, 4...

• ABCs and vegetable goop. What letters land in the vegetable soup? A, B, C, D…

Grades K-2 Unified Arts Choice Board.pdf
Grades 3-5 Unified Arts Choice Board.pdf
Grades 6-8 Unified Arts Choice Board.pdf