
Topic 4 was practice in double digit addition

Topic 3 is our introduction to double digit addition

In Topic one of our math books, we are working on addition and subtraction strategies and adding tools to our 'toolbox' to help us solve.. While students are being asked to show proficiency with all strategies, all students will have one or two that work better for their brains and will stick with them. Our goal was to expose them to the different strategies and have them figure out which work best for them! Below are the tools added during topic 1.

We've been using math vocabulary to explain: addends, equation, and commutative property (or order property). We can flip the numbers in an addition equation and come up with the same sum, the value doesn't change.

Knowing our doubles facts helps us to identify near doubles and therefore come up with a sum more quickly.

Adding to a ten is easier on our brains, so how can we make a ten from any equation?

Recognizing patters on the addition table can also help us with our facts.

The good 'ol number line can help us find the difference (the answer in a subtraction equation)

Fact families are a great way to help us quickly identify the sum or difference.

After a quick stop in topic 2 discussing odd and even numbers and arrays, we have moved on to topic 3 where we are adding more addition strategies to our math toolbox. Our numbers in second grade are getting bigger!
As children get introduced to each strategy, the one that works best for them will be there 'go to'!