Room 40

Our Classroom Online

Zoom Schedule

Mondays: 9:30 (whole class)

Thursdays: 9:30 (whole class) and 10:30-11:15 (learning support/office hour)

Fridays: 12-1 (lunch bunch)

*Individiual Zoom as needed*

Check out what your classmates are up to!

May 11, 2020

If you're feeling bored this week, check out our class ideas!

Only 15 more days of school! Wow, time is going by fast.

I'm bored activity bored

April 20, 2020

We continue to support each other and our community by spreading messages of encouragement and appreciation! Thank you to those of you who sent in pictures to be included in the uplifting video put together by the PTTF for teachers and staff. It is exactly what we needed to see from you. We will continue to lift each other up by spreading our kindness. How will you still spread the good while distancing from others?

April 3, 2020

Rain, rain, go away! Students wrapped up the week by looking on the bright side of things. They spread joy through art by creating rainbows in celebration of National Find a Rainbow Day. They also worked hard to prepare for welcoming their new classmate, Izzy, to room 40 by writing letters and making Flipgrid introductions! We're excited to meet her in "person" on Tuesday! WELCOME IZZY!

April 1, 2020

Happy first day of April! We had many students transform into bird watchers today as they read about and learned different strategies for tracking down the elusive and rare Lirpaloof bird, like looking into the tops of tall trees, holding carrots up high (since this bird gets its orange color from this beloved veggie), and singing out it's name as a bird call. I can say that when room 40 students are put to the test, they take on the challenge with everything they've got! Take a look at just a few of your fellow bird watching friends on their mission today. I enjoyed hearing stories and seeing videos of your other bird ventures! I'm happy to see that it became a family affair for many and earned some much needed smiles and laughter!

March 27, 2020

Happy Friday! It was an exciting day and a great turn out on our first Zoom meeting. We were able to reconnect live with 22 of our classmates, me and Mrs. Lee! I enjoyed getting to read a book aloud to you, since this is one of my favorite activities that we do together in the classroom.

Today my heart continues to feel proud of how brave our parents and students have been this week with diving into unfamiliar territory with new technologies. My heart feels proud of our parents' and students' willingness to try new things and the perseverance that I was able to witness as documents were shared with me, Flipgrid videos were added, responses were submitted on our discussion forms, pictures were delivered through email, and positive messages were sent and received throughout our class.

I hope everyone has an enjoyable weekend! My goal is try to spend it as screen-free as possible!

March 26, 2020

Today was my day to be a(n) (e)mail woman! I saw so many of you connecting through emailed letters to one another. It is obvious how much everyone in room 40 misses each other! I wanted to share the responses that I collected from our class about "How our hearts feel". Take a minute to read through what everyone was brave in sharing about how their hearts feel right now. I noticed something that we have talked about in Second Step...People can have different feelings about the same situation! Being apart from one another and away from school affects each of us a little differently. Some of you shared about positive feelings and others of you shared how this makes you sad. There isn't a right or wrong way to feel, and we can always remind ourselves of all the reasons we have to smile!

Check it out here <3 feeling all the feels in our hearts <3

March 25, 2020

It was so exciting to see so many of your faces and hear so many of your voices today on Flipgrid! You gave me 19 MORE reasons to SMILE : ) That was a new experience that may have taken a lot of courage for some of you. I know that I definitely felt camera shy making my first video, but I know that the more we do it, the easier and more comfortable it will become. I hope it made your heart happy to see your friends. I also hope that you noticed the people who didn't make it on today and sent happy thoughts out into the world for them, too.

March 24. 2020

I have enjoyed hearing from so many of you! We've already experienced challenges and successes on day 2 of fully remote learning using new digital tools. Thank you for practicing with me today.

I hope you had a chance to play in the spring snow!

March 22, 2020

Welcome to our class website! This is a work in progress and will be frequently updated. At the end of the week, I will be seeking feedback from parents and students about how it's been going using our website and the pace of content that is being delivered. In the meantime, please explore the different tabs and pages and familiarize yourself with the layout. If you have any questions about how to navigate the page, log in to any of the websites that I have linked, or how/when to complete assignments given in the "Daily Assignments" section, please reach out to me. I will be available for office hours from 9-11 a.m. and 1-2 p.m. I will notify you if that changes. This will be a week of transition and exploration of our digital platform. Later in the week, I am hoping to experiment with seeing students via teleconferencing! I am nervous and excited at the same time! Thank you again for your continued patience.