College and Career Ready Project

Journal Requirements

Students will complete a journal entry reflecting on their process.

Please complete a full two-page reflection paper detailing your process

  • Be typed, double spaced in 12 point font

  • Be well written

  • Reflect the student’s effort and progress

  • No spelling or grammatical errors

  • Is not a venting session/if there were frustrations what did you learn about yourself that you can apply to the future?

Items that can be included:

  • How would you describe your Capstone Project using clear, concise and professional language?

  • Reflect on what you gained from your Capstone experience and explain what you did. Why did you choose to do this project?

  • What aspect of your project placed the greatest demands on your abilities? Explain.

  • What skills and knowledge did you need to complete your Capstone experience?

  • What did you enjoy about your Capstone experience? What problems or obstacles have you encountered, and how have you overcome them?

  • Did you have to make any modifications to your project?

  • How did your experiences change your original thoughts about your project?

  • What resources did you use? People? Time? Explain how you accomplished your project with those resources

  • What impact has your Capstone experience had on you? Describe one memorable event or encounter you had during the completion of this project.

  • What aspect of your project or portfolio do you think will be most useful to you in the future? Why?

  • What do you feel has been your greatest achievement during your Capstone Project?

  • What difficulties did you run into while completing your project? How did you overcome these setbacks?

  • What has been your greatest disappointment during your Capstone Project? What have you learned through this experience?

  • If you were to do this project again, what would you do differently?

  • What did you learn academically from completing this project?

  • What did you learn about yourself from completing this project?

  • When someone asks you years from now what your Capstone experience was like? What will you say?
