
Social Distancing is really making a difference. Check out the video to visualize how this works

Right now, our day looks very different than it does when we’re at school. With our new schedule and setting, it’s important to find time to Center Move and Think! Take a few minutes each day to do some mindful breathing, focus on your senses, and move your body! Check the Wellness page often for new ideas and resources!

Love, Nurse Heather and Mrs. E


Sing a song of sunshine,

Summer’s here at last!

Flowers in the garden,

Tell us Spring is past,

Picnics in the country,

Swimming in the sea,

Holidays are happy days,

So sing this song with me!

First Grade

Create a summer bucket list!

Second Grade

Create your own Dream Catcher!

For directions, click here.

Third Grade

Gather some rocks from your yard. Paint kind words, or summer pictures on your rock. With an adult, place your rock around your neighborhood, on a trail that you like to walk, or give one to a friend.

4-5 CMT

Think of all that you have accomplished this year! You are truly amazing! Think back on your year using this template. Write a letter to yourself, and send it to Nurse Heather (hantal@sau16.org) or Mrs. Eskeland (keskeland@sau16.org) and we will send it back to you when school starts in the fall!


30 day passion project

Here is our book. WE hope you laugh alot!

Make A Flat Friend

Like the book Flat Stanley, now you can make your own Flat Friend to go on adventures with!

1) Cut out a person on thick paper, like card stock or poster board.
2) Decorate your new friend!
3) What is your friend's name?
4) What adventures will you do with your friend? Go for a bike ride, have a tea party, look for animal tracks in the woods?
5) Take a picture of you and your friend on your adventures!

Mindful Activity of the Day

Weekly Read Aloud: The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Final Part 4

You are living through history right now! It's hard, scary, confusing and weird. What if we could take this time to remember all of the good that is happening right now, in our homes, with our families, in our community...

Take sometime to fill out this Time Capsule so you can remember how strong you were and what you did with your family to get through this time.

Click on the button below!

Color your World with Kindness ....a short video to help us keep our hearts open care for one another

Birds on a Wire

Be yourself. Be the Best version of you everyday in every way. We all are goofy and sometimes make incorrect choices but we can grow and change. Enjoy the laugh!

Things to Remember

Be it virtual classroom or the brick walled classroom when we return

Mindful Meditation


HAND WASHING check out this quick video

This is Covid 19 simplified

Some people don't show signs or feel sick

Nurse Heather's homemade mask

A face mask helps when you are within 6 feet of each other

See how the mask is over her nose and mouth? That is really important to trap the germs in the mask.

Protect yourself

Make your own mind vacation( refresh CMT lessons)