Order and pick up tickets

  1. April 21-23 3:00-4:00 pm pick up tickets at EHS drive through

  • Cost- $20.00 per ticket*

  • All seniors buy their tickets individually

  • Seniors who are bringing a date who are not members of the class of 2021 should buy two tickets.

  • You will need your EHS ID to get into the prom. If you did not pick up your ID it will be waiting for you when you pick up your tickets. Ask for your ID when you drive through.

For this event you must order tickets online. Ordering your ticket reserves your spot and helps us communicate information about prom to all students who are attending. Once you have ordered your tickets, you will come pick up and pay for your tickets in a drive through at EHS between 3-4pm on April 21st-23rd.

*If the cost of tickets is a barrier to you attending prom, please contact Ms. Morse (LMorse@sau16.org) or an adult you are comfortable talking to about this at EHS and have them reach out to Ms. Morse on your behalf.