Evening Schedule

6:30pm: Check- in

Upon arrival, attendees will park in the senior parking lot and proceed to the check-in table to the right of the building. At the check in table they will fill out an announcement card with the names of their date or the group they are marching with (3 people maximum) and then proceed to the queue. From there they will queue as directed alongside the building in their pairs (singles or threes) for the grand march. During this time students will also be able to check items like purses, shoes, personal items, and extra clothes. Bags and pockets will be checked at this point. Students may attend prom and not attend the grand march, see the FAQ section for details.

7:30- 8:30pm: Grand March

Grand march observers: parents will be directed to park in the junior parking lot and set up in the fire/student drop off lane in front of the school. All parents must wear masks. We encourage parents to bring chairs and set up in a socially distant manner from other families. Please only invite two guests per senior!

The grand march will proceed down the front of the building toward the entrance, where attendees will be announced and have their pictures taken. They will then march down to the left of the building where they will proceed to the back of the building and prom.

8:00-10:30pm Dancing

Three dance floors will provide dancing for a safe number of participants. There will be a DJ. The number of students dancing at one time will be limited to the number of students who can fit in the space under current CDC guidelines. When dancing, you can dance with your date and friends, but you cannot touch other students. Students will rotate in and out of the dance if there are students waiting. More information about this can be found in the FAQ section.

8:30-10:30pm Games and Entertainment

Other than dancing, there will be a variety of activities during the evening like a photo station, Prom-Pong, and a variety of lawn games. There will be multiple sanitation areas near each activity so that students are able to have fun while still being safe. This is created for students to still enjoy the event if they would prefer to not dance. The senior slide show will premier at the prom.

9:00 PM- Prom Court is Announced

Due to the unexpected cancellation of our junior prom, we have decided to expand the prom court from the usual King, Queen and court of 3 couples to a King, Queen and a court of 8 couples*.

*prom court is chosen on individual merit and does not require you to be in a couple