¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español!

About Your Teacher

¡Hola! Me llamo Señora D'Amours. That means 'my name is Mrs. D'Amours'. I began learning Spanish in Middle School just like you and continued practicing Spanish in High School and at the University of New Hampshire. I then studied abroad in Mexico, Spain and Chile to help strengthen my language skills.

I am very excited for another school year at Cawley and look forward to working with each of you as you continue (or begin!) your journey towards learning another language!

Señorita in Granada, Spain.

Señorita's contact information

  • correo electrónico: edamours@sau15.net
  • teléfono: 603-518-5047 Ext. 5119

Our etextbook

  • vocesetextbooks.com
    • Class ID: CawleySpanish
    • User ID: your first name and last initial
            • For example: the user ID for Elizabeth D'Amours would be edamours


We will be using Google Classroom to complete assignments, hold discussions, take polls, and work collaboratively on projects. You can access Classroom through a web browser on a computer or device, or downloading the app on any device!

Click here to log into GoogleClassroom

Step 1) Sign into your SAU google account.

Step 2) To add a class locate the "+" at the top right hand corner of the page, click on "join class" and enter the class code to enroll in the class.

  • 6th Grade: f8vs7qv
  • 7th Grade: 2ks494
  • 8th Grade: 78mij7


For this course, grading is based off of a point system. Points are decided on a per-assignment basis. Quizzes and tests are worth more points than class work because there are more questions or parts to be completed. Classwork and homework are not worth as many points per assignment, but there are more assignments for this category per marking quarter.

  • *Class work- 25% of total grade
  • *Homework- 10% of total grade
  • *Quizzes- 25% of total grade
  • *Projects/Tests- 40% of total grade