The Principles of Design and the Elements of Art

The Principles of Design and the Elements of Art are the vocabulary we use in making and talking about art.

The Elements: Things we use in art.

Line- a path made by a moving point, straight, angular, curvy, gesture, contour.

Shape- an enclosed line, organic or geometric.

Color- hue, arranged in a wheel to show how they are made or related, primary, secondary, intermediate, tints, tones, shades, complimentary.

Form - a three dimensional figure having height, width and depth.

Texture- the way something feels, real or applied.

Space - the area of your work, positive or negative.

Value- the lightness to darkness of something.

The Principles: Thoughts or ideas about art.

Balance- an equal distribution of visual weight, symmetrical, asymmetrical, radial.

Contrast- a strong difference.

Emphasis- a way to make something stand out, focal point.

Movement- a way to make something look like it is in motion, a way to move the viewers eye through a work of art.

Pattern- when something repeats exactly.

Rhythm- when something repeats but changes slightly.

Unity/Harmony- when things have something in common.

Proportion- the size relationship of something compared or related to the whole.