Growth Mindset

What is it?

We used to think that our intelligence was fixed - meaning we were either smart or we weren't. Scientists have proven again and again that simply is not true. Our brain acts like a muscle - the more we use it, the stronger (and smarter) our brain becomes.

What does a growth mindset look like?

Someone with a growth mindset may do these things:

  • embrace challenges
  • give their best effort
  • learn from feedback
  • become inspired by other people's successes
  • believe their intelligence can change if they work hard

In our classroom, we are going to work towards getting a better growth mindset. By integrating a growth mindset into our classroom daily, it can have great beneficial impact on learning. The video below will tell you more about a growth mindset versus a fixed mindset.

Ways to Help Your Child

Praise the Process- Instead of "you're so smart!" praise effort, goal setting, persisting through challenges, or being creative. You can say something like: "Wow! You must have worked so hard on this!"

Encourage Failure- Your child needs to know that failure can (and often does) happen and it is okay! Reminder them that each time they fail and try again, their brain is growing stronger! Don't step in to prevent a child's failure - this is how they learn to persevere in the face of challenges.

The Brain Can Grow- Remind them that each time they learn something new, their brain is making new connections...even when something is difficult.

Help Them Change Their Dialogue- Instead of: "This is too hard" try, "I can't do this yet, but I will keep trying" Give them the words to say when they are feeling defeated by modeling it yourself!