The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

Research Scientist | 2016-2020

Causal Inference (Matching): Studied the effect of reducing federal funds rate on mortgage interest rates between US counties with the high market power of banks (treatment group) and the low ones (control group). Applied Propensity Score Matching to match the counties and quantify the causal effect.

The Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania

Data Scientist | 2018

Studied the impact of fellowship amount on acceptance rates for MBA admitted applicants. Applied Regression Discontinuity (RD) Design to quantify the causal effect.

The Wharton School of Business, Finance Department, University of Pennsylvania

Graduate Research Assistant | 2016-2018

Provided expert research assistance for an academic paper* published in Journal of Finance, 2020. Cleaned and prepared complex panel surveys including longitudinal individual-level data. Estimated panel regression (fixed effect).

*Houses as ATMs: mortgage refinancing and macroeconomic uncertainty

The Central Bank of Iran

Quantitative Model Developer | 2010-2012

Forecasting Methods: Estimated forecasting models (Arima and Garch) for economic growth in Iran.

Sharif University of Technology, Economic Research Center

Research Analyst | 2010-2012