Academic Excellence
Studies consistently show the link between a better education and more fulfilling, well-paid jobs. The knowledge and skills gained through a good education also helps with engagement in the community, better mental health and better communication skills. Education is so important, and our provision at Sarum Academy is so strong.
Fantastic Results
Our students make incredible progress. In Summer 2024, students on vocational courses made a quarter of a grade more progress than the national average.
Subject Specialists
All of our A-Level and Level 3 courses are delivered by subject specialists - no cover lessons or non-specialists
Flexible Choices
We offer a range of courses in a range of assessment styles, so that students can pick a pathway that suits their future plans and their learning styles. Each type of course is explained below, and the individual courses on offer are available here.
Traditional-format courses with final exams in the summer of Year 13. Some courses also have an element of coursework, called non-examination-assessments (NEAs) during the course.
Level 3 BTECs
Unit-based courses, where students study separate units that are assessed individually through coursework or exams thoughout Years 12 and 13. There is a focus on real-life scenarios with case studies and practical application of skills and knowledge. The grade achieved for each unit is added together to create the overall grade for that course.
Level 3 BTEC grades are worth the same value UCAS points as A-Level grades, so University is absolutely an option for students after taking Level 3 BTECs at Sarum Academy's Sixth Form.
Professional Qualifications
Unit-based courses, where students study separate units that are assessed individually through practical assessments throughout Years 12 and 13, usually alongside coursework or an exam. These qualifications are recognised by industry and save employers on having to train you themselves.
Our Professional Cookery course is worth the same number of UCAS points for University as A-Levels and Level 3 BTECs.
Fulfilling Destinations
Our students have gone on to study or work in a wide range of fields, such as:
Business, Law, Retail, Construction, Social Care, Finance, Tourism, Politics, Art, Hospitality, History, English, Media, Psychology, Music Production, Sports Coaching, Criminology, Fashion, and more…
More of our University applicants get their first choice compared to national average - 92% in Summer 2024 compared to 82% nationally
Students go on to study a huge range of courses, both creative and academic
Alumni have attended universities across the length and breadth of the UK
In 2024-25, we will have our first Oxford University applicant
Studied Marketing and Advertising at Southampton Solent
Achieved a First-Class Honours Degree at University, and is now working in marketing
‘Sixth Form gave me the first taste of being an adult’
Studying Psychology with Health and Wellbeing
Currently in her third year and set to achieve highly
‘Staff are friendly and the atmosphere is great’
Studied English Literature and Primary Teaching at Winchester University
Has been working as a primary school teacher for a number of years
‘Every teacher genuinely cared’
Studied Transport Design at Swansea College of Art
Currently working designing bespoke vehicles
‘Teachers respect what you want to achieve’
Apprenticeships and Employment
Due to the skills and knowledge developed at Sarum Academy, many of our students are successful as they move into full-time employment or Level 3+ apprenticeships, beginning their careers in a great position. No student leaves us without a plan.
‘Staff at Sarum Academy’s Sixth Form have been incredibly understanding and caring. Flexibility has been key, accepting my daughter as an individual, with her own needs - it always felt like other schools wanted to shoehorn her into a mould.’
- Parent of one of our Sixth Form students
‘All members of teaching staff are professional and approachable, and my daughter enjoys her lessons. I would definitely recommend Sarum Academy’s Sixth Form to other parents and students.’
- Parent of one of our Sixth Form students
‘The many and varied student leadership opportunities for Sixth Form students enable them to step outside of their comfort zone and take on wider responsibilities which support their personal development as well as their progression within the classroom.’
- Challenge Partner’s Report 2024