Harry and Lucille Cortright and Sandwich Education Foundation Scholarships: All graduating or post-secondary students who attended Sandwich CUSD #430 and will be or are now attending an accredited college, university, trade school, business school, nursing program, or other similar educational institution to acquire special skills are eligible for these scholarships. Applications are through Google Forms OR you can send in your documents to our PO Box. All materials must be received by Monday April 21, 2025.
Coming Spring 2025! Donna Ricci Memorial Scholarship: All graduating Seniors of Sandwich CUSD #430 who will be attending an accredited college, university, or other similar educational institution in a field related to special education are eligible for this scholarship. Applications are through Google Forms OR you can in your documents to our PO Box. All materials must be received by Monday April 21, 2025.
Congratulations to the 2024 Scholarship Winners!!
Thank you to all of the applicants! It was a great group of candidates. Looking forward to hearing about your future successes.
Past Scholarship Winners
2023: Cadence Goldstein, Hailey Erickson
2022: Alijah Campbell, Lucia Towne
2021: Jacob Heilemeier, Steve Aguilar
2020: Emily Vegrzyn, Hunter Hanegmon
2019: Jacob Meyer, Jolene Morgan
2018: Danniela Estrada, Delaney Talty
2017: Mary Carmyn Tassone, Shania Aguilar
2016: Thomas Saitta, Blair Wright (medical school)
2015: Michelle Smith, Kelly Pfaff
2014: Anna Gipe, Collin Wegener, Cora Vandermeer, Blair Wright (undergrad)
2013: Jordan Kipper, Torianna Thompson
2012: Michele Dobbs, Gail Rogers, Danielle Hoag (undergrad)
2011: Jeremy Duvick, Blair Wright
2007: Katie Sherman, Kelsie Baker
2006: Katielyn II, Rachel Segvich
2005: Lauren Hamilton, Melanie Ramos
2004: Brittany Pellegrini, Matt Hill
2003: Tim Hoyt, Lindon Gord
2002: Tessa II, Andrea Johnson
2001: Katie Hohmann