
Seesaw is a a digital portfolio platform where students can create or upload work into their journal. This journal is a place where teachers, parents, and even the student themselves, can review, comment, and watch growth on their work throughout the year. Teachers can assign activities for students to complete, or it can be as simple as telling students to document any experiences that they are proud of. It is easily used in the classroom, as well as for remote learning.

πŸ‘€NEW August 2020

πŸŒŸπŸŒŸπŸ‘€Free Training from Seesaw- 🌟🌟 Sign up for live webinars or watch the recordingsπŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€ This link will give you a clear path of the things you should know to get started.

THERE ARE SO MANY FREE activities for your grade level to find and use. If you see something you like, click the heart and it will be in your library.

πŸŒŸπŸŒŸπŸ‘€PreK-2 Activities broken down by curriculum

πŸ‘€Learning activities by Grade and Subject

πŸ‘€3-5th Activities broken down by curriculum

πŸ‘€Spanish Learning Activities by Grade and Subject

πŸŒŸπŸ‘€Remote Learning -Guide for Teachers (resources for Admin, teachers, and families. Also in Spanish for families)

These 5 videos are perfect for anyone who still has questions about Seesaw or would like a quick review... Note Our login method is with Google when they login to their computer.

To Share with Students and Parents (Maybe link into Open House)

Looking for More?? Good to Know...

Things to know:

  • There are TWO seesaw apps. Seesaw Class and Seesaw Family. During a regular attendance year, children will work out of Seesaw Class and parents will log into Seesaw Family at home to see work and communicate with teachers. For Remote Learning, it is recommend to limit it to the Seesaw Class version only to avoid confusion between the 2.

  • Teachers can assign Activities (assignments) to the whole class, small groups, or individual students.

  • There is an enormous amount of grade leveled, free activities in the Activity Library.

  • Teachers can import other programs into Seesaw, such as Google Docs, Google Slides, Word, Power Point...etc

  • Children can also use various creating apps (Pic-Collage, Shadow Puppet, Word Cloud, etc...)and "AppSmash" them into their Seesaw Journal.

  • Activities can be organized into folder to help organize your resources.

  • You can attach Standards (Skills) to an activity, which then can be graded with a 1-4 rubric (red, yellow, green) and can then be viewed in grade book form.

🎬 = video πŸ‘€=check this out πŸ†•= newly added to the site 🌟 Priority

I really think becoming a Seesaw Pioneer would be a great guided way to help you learn. To find out more: Click here

The Basics

🌟Lessons to use with students

These step-by-step grade-specific Get Started Guides have everything you need to introduce Seesaw to your students including the Seesaw Student Challenge, task cards, and badges and certificates!

COMING SOON - Topics that are in the works

Having students use other apps (Pic Collage, Chatter Pix, Poplet etc) in their journals (Commonly referred to as App smashing)


Tips for Specials teachers (PE & Music)

Tips for Specialist teachers (special Ed/ Reading)