Student Work

Open Mind Project

What is an American?

One-Pager Projects

DBQ Essays

Dane Reed - Final DBQ Essay.pdf
Afnan DBQ Essay (1).pdf
Maya Villela - Final DBQ Essay .pdf
Aamira Galon - Final DBQ Essay.pdf
Kevin Le - Final DBQ Essay.pdf
Chinh Nguyen - Final DBQ Essay .pdf
Willie Galon - Final DBQ Essay.pdf
Final DBQ_ Was the American Revolution Justified_ - Stella Vu.pdf

2022 & 2024 Student Mock Election Videos

Prop 28.MOV
prop 30.mp4
Prop 33.webm
Trump 2024.mp4

The 13 Colonies: Then & Now Websites

Change Over Time Indigenous Nation Projects

Good job.mp4
Yep Yep.mp4

Stamped Racist vs. Anti-Racist Timeline Projects

Michele Fuentes - Racist & Antiracist Timeline Template (Reg) (1).pdf
SaRiah & Kento - Racist & Antiracist Timelinecc Template (Reg) (1).pdf
Alexis DelaCruz - Racist & Antiracist Timeline Template (Reg).pdf
Dalton DAlmaine-Vedral - Racist & Antiracist Timeline Template (Reg) (1).pdf
Christina Sounakhene - Racist & Antiracist Timeline Template (Reg) (1).pdf
Aviana & Meghan - Racist & Antiracist Timeline Template (Reg).pdf