Advanced US History: Period 1
Regular US History: Periods 2 & 3
Welcome to 7th Grade Medieval Civilizations
Early World History: Periods 5 & 6
Class Policies & Standards Based Learning
Tutoring will be offered on Mondays & Tuesday during lunch to:
Conference about revising work (conference required if revising)
Discuss grades/class performance/concerns
Assist with completing assignments/assessment
Quiz/Test make up
Tutoring is not a place to simply work quietly, please go to the library during lunch if all you need is a place to work and do not require my help or guidance.
Tutoring may also be canceled the week grades are due because of needing my time to grade assignments by the end of the grading period.
If I am ever unexpectedly absent on a Monday or Tuesday, tutoring appointment will be rescheduled.
2024-2025 Class Contract
This is a copy of the class contract for this school year. Your student received a physical copy of this contract in class. You can open this document in a new tab by clicking on the image and then click on the icon in the upper left handout corner (a square with an arrow) to keep a copy for your own personal records.
Please read, complete, sign and return by Friday, August 23rd
Every assignment/assessment will use the 1-4 grading scale. This class will implement 8th grade standards based learning (SBL) for SDUSD crtical concepts, CA content standards, and Common Core skills to determine a student's academic grade.
8th Grade Standards:
SBL separates your students’ grades into all of these separate standards taught, for example a single assignment may have 3 standards that are being assessed, so in the gradebook there will be 3 grades entered instead of 1. Instead of receiving a percentage of an assignment completed or total points earned, a student’s grade will represent the level of proficiency that they have demonstrated for each standard assessed. Students will only receive a zero when an assignment is missing.
Late work, class participation, and other behavioral factors will not affect a student’s academic grade, instead these will affect the student’s citizenship grade (see chart below for breakdown).
Late Work
- While SDUSD’s policy says that there can no longer be academic penalties for assignments turned in late (after the due date), please note the following:
- Late assignments will affect my ability to grade and provide feedback in a timely manner for each student.
- Late submissions are not eligible for revisions (teacher can grant exceptions based on communication received)
- Late submissions will lower a student’s citizenship grade.
- Any work submitted during the final week of the grading period/semester will not be accepted. All late work for a grading period is due the Friday before grades are due for each grading period (P1, P2, S1, P3, P4 & S2).
Revising Work
- Revision opportunities will be provided, but this does not guarantee the student’s grade will improve, students must demonstrate improvement in learning.
- The teacher will determine which assignments are and are not eligible for revisions.
- Revision opportunities will only be offered to students who did not demonstrate proficiency or mastery (lower than a 3) on their first attempt of the assignment.
- No revision opportunities will be provided for students who achieved proficiency and mastery (3 or higher)
- Revisions are offered, but not required.
- Students can revise each eligible assignment once
- Any student who takes advantage of a revision opportunity will receive a max of a 3 (if earned)
- If a student did not complete the revision assignment and resubmit by the new deadline, they will not be given another opportunity to revise and the assignment’s original grade will stand.
- No revision opportunities will be given during the week final semester grades are due.
- Revision opportunities replace extra credit--extra credit will no longer be offered
Check your student's attendance and grades here!
Directions on how to setup up Parent Portal
Please see/contact Annette Stevens ( to obtain your access ID and if you have any questions.
Wangenheim History Department Website
SDUSD Technical Support
Student Computer Issues IT Hotline:
(619) 732-1400
Family Support Line Hotline:
(619) 260-2460
press option 1.