Selection Process Plan

On February 2, 2021, the board approved an open and transparent, inclusive search process for recruitment and selection of a permanent Superintendent upon the resignation of Superintendent Cindy Marten. The plan includes:

The plan includes:

  • An Advisory Committee that reflects the diversity of our students and the San Diego Community.

  • The selection process shall be supported by an organization tasked with leading town halls, listening sessions and community engagement meetings. The Advisory Committee will draft a Request for Proposals (“RFP”) which will be used to solicit proposals from interested organizations by the end of March 2021.

  • These proposals will be reviewed by the Advisory Committee that will make the recommendation to the Board for the organization that will lead town halls, listening sessions and community engagement meetings. Town Halls will be held in late Spring and early Summer. This will lead to the creation of a vision for the future of the district, and the identification of the qualities of a Superintendent to lead that vision.

  • The Advisory Committee will utilize the information gathered during the town halls, listening sessions and community engagement meetings to develop the job posting.

  • The position will then be posted by the end of July 2021. The recruitment will open to qualified candidates from around the globe.

  • The Advisory Committee will screen the candidate application packages and will recommend up to ten (10) candidates to be interviewed by the Board in September 2021.

  • The Board will select up to three (3) finalists by October 2021.

  • Community forums will be held in early November 2021 for the public to meet the finalists and provide feedback.

  • A permanent Superintendent will be selected by the beginning of December 2021 to allow for a month-long transition into the position.

Chair: Chris Rice-Wilson,

Committee Contact: Julie Martel,