AP Information

Resources for AP TEST PREPARATION: https://sites.google.com/sandi.net/sdusdap/resources

AP Exam Day Preparation:   https://sites.google.com/sandi.net/sdusdap/resources/exam-day

AP Scholars- Stay connected!  You are invited you to join the Remind app so that Ms. Amato can send you urgent updates that don't get eaten by spam @ sdusdAS


If you had not previously signed up to take an AP Exam, and now decided you wish to take the exam:

You can order it but AP is now charging an extra $40.  March 1 is the final deadline for any exam order.  Please complete the following form and Mrs. Amato will be in contact soon with next steps.  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeu_T8I_pcMONZyo3pdSCnKlMKvK5kGXXX65ZlUYMXd1yTO-A/viewform


AP Exam Ordering


There are 2 steps to ordering an AP exam:

1 = join AP Classroom = https://sites.google.com/sandi.net/sdusdap/order-exam/ap-classroom

2 = pay for the exam = https://sites.google.com/sandi.net/sdusdap/order-exam/purchase-exam



CANCEL exam = https://sites.google.com/sandi.net/sdusdap/order-exam/cancel-exam



REQUEST exam for course not currently taking = https://forms.gle/vipE1nYNR8gMgYbA8


REQUEST reduced fees = https://sites.google.com/sandi.net/sdusdap/order-exam/request-reduced-fees

Please complete by October 30th.


To Pay in Person:  See our Financial Clerk, Ms. Alatorre, she is located in the back of the school library or at the Finance Window on the East side of the library. 

For question contact:

Aly Cerda, SDHS Counseling Office


AP Exams 2023 Ordering Guide