Online Resources

In addition to our physical school collection, our students have access to many wonderful online databases. On this page you will find links and descriptions to some online resources that will help you complete research projects or just satisfy a curiosity you might have. You can also find some just for fun resources here too.

All district library databases use the following username and password:

Username: sandi1 Password: library

When You Need The Facts!

Britannica's entry platform for PK-2nd grade students. It has books that are read to you and games :)

You can use Britannica School to research many, many topics. It has encyclopedia articles, videos, images, and a cool world atlas. It also allows you to adjust your reading level so you can find the just right level for you.

Britannica Escolar hace posible que los estudiantes completen sus trabajos escolares usando artículos de las enciclopedias y recursos multimedia que incluyen imágenes, videos, audio y mapas detallados.

CultureGrams is an encyclopedia style reference database full of facts about our own fifty states and countries around the world. For each entry you can find information on things like population, what languages people speak, what the national flag of the country is, etc. You can also find cooking recipes (!!) and videos showing how kids live around the world.

This site is intended for older readers. However, under the Nonfiction Tab you will find full-text books on subjects like animals and science. Some of the books in the animal section are even appropriate for our Kindergaten friends :)

When You Want To Hear Or Learn About A Book

Sometime you just want to hear a story! Here you'll find many great picture books read by equally great people!

An amazing place to go if you want to learn more about an author (how to pronounce their name) or a book they wrote. There are also book trailers, full book readings, suggestions for further reading and so much more...