Accents - emphasis laid on a part of an artistic design or composition.

Adjectives - Words that describe you.

Background - The farthest element away from you in a photo or work of art is the background.

Balance - The art principle which refers to the arrangement of elements in an art work. Balance can be either formal symmetrical, informal asymmetrical or radial.

Cityscape - A scene including city buildings, bridges, streets or traffic lights. 

Cool colors — colors such as blue, green, and purple (violet); evoke a cool feeling because they remind us of things like water or grass.

Collaborative - an effort in which people work together (that is, one in which they collaborate).

Collage - An arrangement of shapes adhered to a background.

Color - An element of art that refers to "hue".

Color wheel - The organization of colors on a wheel. Used to help understand color schemes.

Complementary colors - Colors opposite each other on the color wheel. When two complementary colors are mixed together you will get a neutral tone.

Composition - It is the way in which different elements of an artwork are combined or arranged.

Concentric - It describes something, like circles, that have a common center

Continuous contour line - It is a contour drawing done without picking your pencil off of the paper. It is essentially done with one long line.

Contrast -   It refers to the arrangement of opposite elements (light vs. dark colors, rough vs. smooth textures, large vs. small shapes, etc.)

Corners - where 2 sides of a shape meet.

Crayon resist - A drawing made with crayons, where a light watercolor wash is applied over the crayons. The crayons resist the ink.

Crop - remove or adjust the outside edges of an image (typically a photo) to improve framing or composition.

Curved - bending gradually.

Emphasis - A principle in art where important elements and ideas are emphasized via composition.

Eye-level - In reference to perspective, eye-level is the artists' view of where the perceived line or perspective came from.

Font - A font is a collection of characters with a similar design.

Foreground - The element of the photo or work of art closest to you makes up the foreground.

Form - An element of art focused on all three dimensions (height, width and depth).

Geometric shapes - shapes such as circles, triangles or squares have perfect, uniform measurements and don't often appear in nature. 

Intersecting lines - Lines that crisscross one another.

Line - An element of art used in drawing, painting and sculpture. A line is the path of a moving point.

Line of Symmetry - A line of symmetry is the line that divides a shape or an object into two equal and symmetrical parts.

Loom - an apparatus for making fabric by weaving yarn or thread. 

Medium - The material used in a work of art.

Middle ground - The area in between foreground and background in a photo or work of art.

Monochromatic - An artwork containing or using only one color. 

Motif - An element of an image. A motif may be repeated in a pattern or design, often many times.

Mural - A painting either on a wall or on a surface to be attached to a wall.

Oil pastel - Oil based crayons.

Organic or Natural shapes - shapes associated with things from the natural world, like plants and animals.

Overlapping – the placement of objects over one another.

Parallel lines - lines that are equal distance from each other and never meet.

Pattern - Design, motif or symbol repeated over and over.

Positive and negative space - In most artwork, the subject or focus of a picture is called the positive space, while the areas surrounding the main subject are known as the negative space.

Primary colors - The basic colors that can be used to mix other colors. The primary colors are red, yellow, and blue.

Printmaking - Printmaking is making art by printing pictures, normally on paper. The advantage of printmaking is that lots of the same pictures can be printed. This is called a print. 

Radial Symmetry - A type of formal balance in which objects radiate around a central point and has more than one line of symmetry

Relief sculpture - any work which projects from a background. 

Repetition - recurrence of a particular line, pattern, shape, or other visual elements.

Sculpture - 3-dimensional art that you can see from different sides. 

Secondary colors: Colors made by mixing 2 primary colors - Orange, green and purple.

Self-portrait - a representation of an artist that is drawn, painted, photographed, or sculpted by that artist.

Shade - Refers to the darker values of a color.

Shape - The element of art that describes a two-dimensional area (height and width).

Sketch - Preliminary or rough draft, typically made with pencil, crayon, pen, brush or pastel.

Still life - Inanimate object(s) represented in a drawing, painting or collage.

Symmetrical balance - means that the work of art is the same on one side as the other.

Tempera paint - An opaque, water soluble paint available in liquid or powdered form.

Text - Words used in art.

Texture - The way an object feels to the touch or looks as it may feel if it were touched.  One of the seven elements of art.

Tint - A hue mixed with white to create lighter values.

Unity - A principle of design that unifies all other principles within a piece of work, allowing each individual element to coexist with one another to form an aesthetically pleasing design. 

Value - The range of lightness or darkness in a color. A gray scale shows the range of values in photography.

Variety - Variety in art means using different sizes, shapes and colors in your artwork to create visual diversity. Artists achieve visual variety with several elements treated in different ways. 

Warm colors - colors such as red, yellow, and orange; evoke warmth because they remind us of things like the sun or fire. 

Warp - They are the vertical threads that are fixed to the bottom and top of a loom.

Weft - Weft is a yarn that runs back and forth horizontally.

Weaving - Interlacing of two sets of threads at right angles to each other to form cloth.