Academic Resources 

CDRI Academic Tutoring

Coherent Development Research Institute (CDRI) is a non-profit organization dedicated in providing educational activities that complement schooling and enhance young people's intellectual abelites. 

UrbanLife Tutoring

UrbanLife helps develop the minds of students by providing them access to academic tutoring, English Language Development, and college admissions guidance at UCAN (UrbanLife College Achievement Network). Students engage in after school tutoring on a weekly basis and in ELD through their summer reading programs. 

School is in session online at this time! All students should have joined each of their teachers' Google Classrooms. 

Click here for a link to view a list of all Google Classroom codes. 

Contact your teacher or school counselor if you need assistance. 

Once you have joined your teachers' Google classes, please visit each teacher's Google classroom each week, and complete assigned work. You can contact each  teacher if you have questions by sending them a message in the Google Classroom.

Please review the following information and click on associated links for some helpful resources for this time away from school!

Additional Academic Resources

Here is a link to the Middle School Resources page of the Instructional Continuity Resources provided by the San Diego Unified School District. 

A free Virtual Field Trip!