High School, College, and Career Planning
IT IS NEVER TOO EARLY TO START THINKING ABOUT YOUR FUTURE! Check out some of the links below to learn about Colleges and Careers for your future!
TIPS FOR PREPARING FOR COLLEGE: https://www2.calstate.edu/apply/Pages/middle-school-students.aspx
College Board: This website is a one stop shop that will help you prepare for college. There is information that guides you on the journey to college starting in middle school. There is also information about tests you will take prior to applying to college ike the PSAT, SAT, and AP exams
Look for the Careers and Majors page. When you click on the career of your choice, scroll down to the "Make High School Count" heading to read what you can start doing now.
California Career Zone: The state of California has so many cool resources to help you discover what you want to be when you grow up! Check out this fun, and interactive tool.
Go to the Reality Check to see how much money you will be spending once you finish college. Find which jobs in your favorite industry will give you enough money to maintain your lifestyle!
Presents detailed information about jobs and explains in depth the nature of the work and necessary training and qualifications.
Explore Colleges
UC System - www.universityofcalifornia.edu
CSU System - www.csumentor.edu
Private Colleges in San Diego
Alliant International University - http://www.alliant.edu/
National - http://www.nu.edu/
Point Loma Nazerene - http://www.pointloma.edu/home.htm
USD - http://www.sandiego.edu/
Community Colleges in San Diego
Imperial Valley - http://www.imperial.edu/
Mira Costa - http://www.miracosta.cc.ca.us/
Palomar - http://www.palomar.edu/
San Diego Community College District - http://www.sdccd.edu/
City College - http://www.sdcity.edu/
Mesa College - http://www.sdmesa.edu/
Miramar College - http://www.sdmiramar.edu/
Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District - http://www.gcccd.edu/
Grossmont College - http://www.grossmont.edu/
Cuyamaca College - http://www.cuyamaca.edu/
Southwestern College - http://www.swccd.edu/
Explore Colleges at www.collegeboard.org
Tips to Helps You Research http://www.collegeboard.com/student/csearch/where-to-start/index.html
Other Websites
Know How 2 Go - http://www.knowhow2go.org/middle.php
7 Excuses Not to Go to College... And Why They are Lame - http://www.collegeboard.com/student/plan/starting-points/141.html
My Future, My Way: First Steps Toward College - http://studentaid.ed.gov/PORTALSWebApp/students/english/introducing.jsp
College Planning website with MANY resources: https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org/college-search
Big Future has information for many audiences including MIDDLE SCHOOL students, transfer students, international students, parents, educators, Spanish resources, career exploration and much more.
Also exciting. . . "You Can Go" - Inspiration and Information for any students who think they can't afford to go to college: http://youcango.collegeboard.org/