Integrated Service Delivery Model

The special education team will consider the following service delivery models as delineated in your child's IEP: co-teaching, whole group, and/or small group instruction during the first week of school. We will start consistent special education services by the second week of school.

Mild/Moderate Special Education Services

Education Specialists may provide services “pushing in” to synchronous classes and co-teaching, small group instruction, collaborating, and/or consulting with the general education teachers and related service providers during allocated planning hours. Education Specialists might also provide support to students in Zoom breakout rooms or in separate sessions between general education synchronous learning opportunities and provide adapted or accommodated assignments, tools, or resources on your child's learning platform for asynchronous work.

Moderate/Severe Special Education Services

If your child receives moderate/service special education services, please consult with Christine Bastidas, Education Specialist Mod/Severe, for a more specific schedule and service delivery model.

Related Services (SLP, OT, PT, APE, DHH, Aud, MHRS)

Providers will also collaborate with teachers and other service providers to coordinate schedules and services. Each service provider will deliver services in a manner that best meets the student's unique needs. Services may be delivered synchronously (live, ex: whole class lesson, facilitating a breakout room in gen ed, small group pull out sessions) or asynchronously, depending on each child's goals. Ongoing consultation and collaboration will be provided to the IEP team. Services will begin as soon as possible taking into account distance learning considerations.