Week 5 Lesson 3

Today we will learn how if-thens and variables work in computer games.

55 minutes

1 - Warm Up (5 min)

2 - We Do (5 min)

3 - Turn & Talk (5 min)

4 - UCSD Does (5 min)

5 - We Do (15 min)

6 - You Do (15 min)

7 - Reflect & Share (5 min)


Pairs, Groups, 

Whole Class


(5 min)

Let's think about how our senses what might work in a sports game.

If ____________, then _____________.

If ____________, then _____________.



(5 min)

As a class, let's use TIPP and SEE to learn how the project works.

Turn & TALK


(5 min)

I think this game could be better by _________.  

One idea I have is to program  _________.

In this project, when the sun ray touches the solar panel, the ray count _____________.  

you do 


(15 min)

you do 

Fill in the correct blocks to charge the solar battery.

Add a cheat code that occurs when the user presses the spacebar to make the solar panel larger.

Create your own cheat code and add in your own blocks to fill up the solar battery.

do MORE 

 (How To)

Reflect & Share


(5 min)

Today in Scratch, we used sensing blocks to make the battery charge when the sun rays touched the solar panel.  The variable kept the score.

Today I _______.  Let me show you...

I am impressed with  ________ because  ________.

On thing you could improve upon is ________.