Darius King

In this piece, my main inspiration was actually one of my friends -- I had asked her if she wanted me to write a poem about her, and she said yes, so I chose one of her most significant traits to focus on: her eyes. Eventually, the poem spun into something less specific and rather just a general poem about a set of beautiful, unavoidable eyes that held power in the form of inescapable magnetism. I really wanted to capture the beauty of them in the details I used to describe the colors, as well as the hyperboles I used to describe the impact they have on me/the speaker, as well as other people. The biggest takeaway for me this year has been the power that creating vivid imagery and solid details holds in writing, which I feel I applied to this piece and have demonstrated many times in my writing.

the bronze glare

an ember burns gold in the circle of her eyes

a golden flame shimmering brightly

against the cool darkness of her gaze—

a gaze so terrifyingly beautiful,

even medusa envies it’s power

as this bronze glare

turns it’s victims to ash

rather than stone

it is a gaze too magnetic to be ignored

but too risky to love

a gaze crafted from the sparks of a golden star

and boiled in with the greens of life and the reds of blood

‘getting lost in those eyes’ is an understatement

these eyes will swallow you whole

and take the last of your breath away

so quickly

you won’t even realize she’s taken your heart

and taken your life

before the light fades from you

i could write a thousand poems

and spin a thousand metaphors

about those eyes

and she could stop a thousand mens’ hearts

with just a glance