Crawford Counseling

Welcome to Crawford Counseling!  This is the hub where you will find pertinent information about school news, general counseling information, and how to access services.  Please check this site frequently, as we are constantly adding new information when it becomes available.  Remember that to access many forms on this site, you must be logged in to Google.  Also, see the "Meet Your Counselors" page if you would like to get in touch with your Counselor via phone or email.  

ALL STUDENTS & PARENTS: Please update your email and phone number with our attendance office. Most information will be disseminated via the email addresses and phone numbers we have on file, so please make sure yours is up-to-date.  To update your information, please email (preferred method) or call the Attendance Office at 619-362-3700 x3021. Thank you!

Counseling & Community Resources

Summer school Presentation 2024
Crawford: Community Resource List / Map