CHS Seniors Class of 2023

Welcome to the Class of 2023 Website

This site is dedicated to the Clairemont High School Senior Class of 2023. We are rooting for you, and hoping that you experience your senior year to the fullest. Go out for that sport that you always wanted to try, attend all of the fun school events that your ASB works so hard to put on, join a club, better yet START a club and leave your legacy for years to come. When thinking about your future, aim high and bet on yourself! 

A letter from your Principal

To the Class of 2023,

Can you believe it? In a matter of months, your high school experiences will be memories; your life and time and what you do with both will finally be yours! Your time won’t be dictated by bells, people won’t be telling you to “get to class on time,” reminding you when assignments are due, or what you can and can’t wear; you will be deciding what path to walk and how to walk it. But before you get there, many great memories are still to be made this year! And, when you are missing the comfort of Clairemont, the messages and videos here will connect you with this part of your life that you will reflect upon for decades to come (hopefully with a smile). Clairemont will always be part of your life experience and each of you are part of ours; we truly want nothing but the best for you and will still be here to cheer you on from afar.

All my best!

Principal Johnstone

2023 Clairemont High School

Graduation Ceremony Information 

for Students and Parents


The Clairemont High School Graduation Ceremony is on Wednesday, June 14th at 5:30 p.m. at the Clairemont High School Stadium. A mandatory rehearsal is currently scheduled for the morning of Tuesday, June 13th @ 9:00 am in the Gym.


Please read through the expectations carefully. 

Thank you for making this day positive and fun for all!