Work Permit

How to fill out the Work Permit (CDE B1-1 Form):

How a Student Qualifies/Maintain Work Permit:


All minors under age 18 (including minors employed by parents) must have a work permit. Students may turn in a work permit at any time. They will be processed within 24 hours if form has been filled out completely and there are no extenuating circumstances. Students can pick-up their authorized work permit during lunch or after school. In order to have a Work Permit authorized, students are required to meet minimum criteria. The high school staff's first priority is to make sure students are making satisfactory progress toward graduation before being permitted work.

CHS criteria to obtain a Work Permit:

CHS staff reserves the right to deny or revoke a work permit at any time that the student falls below these minimum standards once the work permit has been issued. Site staff or district staff will contact the student, parent and employer in the event that the work permit must be revoked. If a Work Permit is denied, student may appeal after a 6 week period. If student has demonstrated an improvement then a Work Permit may be issued, but may include restrictions at the discretion of CHS staff.

CHS only accepts the work permits provided from San Diego Unified School District and will not accept any other State Work Permit. Work Permits are valid for one school year, and must be renewed every school year in September. Students are required to obtain work permits even during the summer months.

How to Obtain a Work Permit: 



1.   Print and Complete an application for a work permit: Form CDE B1-1


2.   The application must be complete all sections labeled under:

      - Minor's Information (including signature)

      - School Information

      - Parent or Legal Guardian's signature

      - Employer information including employer/supervisor signature from employer, signed and dated

* DO NOT USE A PENCIL. Black or Blue ink ONLY on application


3.  Return completed CDE B1-1 Form to Counseling department for approval (Every line from Employer signature section and above needs to be completed, including SSN).

How to fill out the Work Permit (CDE B1-1 Form):


4.   Please allow 3-5 days for the processing of the work permit. You will need to return to Counseling to pick up your Work Permit. Photo ID is required to pick up Work Permit and only the student is reauthorized to pick up work permit. CDE B1 Form should be turned in to school official who over sees Work Permits (Usually School Counselor).

 During the Summer

Instructions are the same on how to obtain a work permit. Work Permits will be handled by Summer School Counselor. Student will have to provide completed work permit to Summer School Counselor to process. After Summer school dates, SDUSD Work Permit Office will handle until School year assumes. 


SDUSD Work Permit Office Website:

Looking for a Job? SDUSD job board -

San Diego County Student Worker Position: Click here 


Hours Allowed for Minor per SDUSD and Minor Child Labor Laws

Students take the time to check out the resources to understand your worker's rights. Minors are considered an individual under 18 years old.


Ages 16-17

School in Session

School in Session, Student Enrolled in Work Experience Education


Ages 14-15

School in Session
