Collaborative Decision-Making

Transparent communication is high priority as a Community School!  ALBA's Site Governance Team is the main group on campus in which all Community Schools decisions are made. Please click the button below to review any ALBA's Site Governance Team (SGT) Meeting Agendas and Notes.

What is Collaborative Leadership? 

Leadership Teams with educators, the Community School Coordinator, and other school staff share the responsibility of school operations with the principal. Families, community partners, school staff, youth, and other stakeholders from the school’s various constituencies works in collaboration with the Leadership Team.

Benefits of Collaborative Leadership 

Shared decision-making ensures all interest-holders have a voice in the transformation process and fosters shared power of the strategy. Collaborative leadership improves coordination of services, fosters supportive relationships, results in decisions that are widely accepted and implemented, and supports sustainability of the effort.Includes and respects voices of all stakeholders

ALBA's Community Schools Leadership Team (CLT)

ALBA's Site Governance Team (SGT) also serves as our Community Leadership Team and includes members representing all stakeholders. Community School decisions, such as funding requests, are discussed and voted on during regular SGT meetings.  Decisions are made using the consensus decision-making process [insert link]. Everyone is welcome to attend our meetings and participate! 

Current SGT/CLT members:

Principal: Meghan Voeltner

Certificated Staff:  Yvette Davis, Mark Hoskisson, Mynor Pinillos, Jacob Womack

Classified Staff: Sophie Carrillo

Student Representatives: Quinten Dixon (middle school), Sean Picar (high school) + rotating alternating 

Community Member: Shelli Stinson (CS Coordinator) / Larry Silveira (Digital Gym)

Parent: NONE--We are looking for a parent to join our team! If you are interested in joining us, please contact: Shelli Stinson (; [(619) 344-3900 ext. 2608] or Mark Hoskisson [ (619) 344-3900 ext. 2502]

SPRING 2024 SGT meeting schedule   

SUBMIT an issue or idea you would like the SGT/CLT to consider Site Governance Team (SGT) suggestions  

Collaborative Leadership Implementation at ALBA:

Context: ALBA’s small school model helps facilitate more effective collaboration and developing strategic ways to best help our students individually. Short Wednesday professional development meetings, student Advisory period, SGT and SSC meetings all allow us to share ideas, visions, and/or concerns with staff while administration and for problem solving among staff members on school-wide issues and follow-up on previous conversations/issues. They also provide space to update staff on concerns about individual students and develop possible courses of action together.   Another helpful resource to use is THIS self-assessment regarding collaborative leadership).

Purpose: The main goal for improving Collaborative Leadership at ALBA is to ensure the unique perspectives all stakeholders have their voices heard and honored. We hope to build stronger relationships while increasing overall engagement from everyone.

ALBA Leadership Teams

Our Journey with Collaborative Leadership: 

Consensus Decision-making Protocols and Helpful Documents