Year 3

Year 3 Aims:

  • Students will select three items from their portfolio for the purposes of the 2nd Classroom Based Assessment. Teachers will discuss the outcomes of the project and learners will complete a final reflective assessment. Project outcomes will be made available to subject organisations such as the Association of Spanish Teachers Ireland, French Teachers Association of Ireland, and educational organisations such as JCT, PDST and Eufolio.
  • PE: The chosen strand for the CBA at the end of 3rd year will be net games, focusing on either volleyball or badminton. Students will be required to show more detailed evidence of learning than in 1st and 2nd year. This will include skill analysis and demonstration using key teaching points, game play analysis showing knowledge of attack and defence and demonstration of ability to engage in a game situation.
  • After each CBA students will engage in self-reflection in the form of surveys, Focus groups, questionnaires etc.
  • Continue sharing skills expertise in use of ICT gained in this project with other staff in other departments in our schools.