Week 1 - Journal


Tell us about your assignment's idea for this week. Why do you care about this idea? What inspired you? (Please include images or links to sources of inspiration)

Fabrication Challenge samples

This week we should get familiar with 3d printers and laser cutting machines, so we wouldn't design files yet, we will use the open-source library for 2d and 3d models and get familiar also with software like Laser work and Ultimaker Cura to prepare, editing files, and export the G-Code for machines.

So, I decided to look for designs that would help me to learn more about the features of the software and be as simple as I can to reduce the time and material usage while also keeping the end result useful.

I started with Laser Work software, first I searched on 3axis.co for Islamic patterns Because I am interested in this type of art and I found one I can use as a bookmark, then I edited it on the Laser work and make a frame for it, Then I made the settings for the machine, and save it as RLD file to check it with FabLab Specialist and export the G-Code.

And about the 3d model, I searched on thingiverse.com for woodworking simple tools because it would help me on my work and I found the Maler-pyramiden this tool reduces the contact surface of workpieces during painting or varnishing to a minimum while still remaining stable. I downloaded the file and opened it on Ultimaker Cura software to make settings and slice it, and save it as 3MF file to check it with FabLab Specialist and export the G-Code.

Tool Chain

Which software/machines/materials did you use in the assignment? Why?

Painting Pyramids

Book Mark

Software: Ultimaker Cura, to slice and set up the settings and generate the G-Code for 3d printer machine.
Machine: PRUSA i3 MK2 3d printer Machine.

Material: PLA, it's suitable material for this design.

Software: Laser Work, to develop and set up the settings for laser cut machine.
Machine: MT3050D CO2 Laser Cut Machine.

Material: Plywood 3mm, it's suitable material for this design.

Design/Preparation Process

Explain the design and/or preparation process of your assignment. How did you use the tool or software to design and/or prepare your assignment before fabrication/implementation?

Preparing file

for making a wooden Islamic pattern bookmark, first I searched on 3axis.com for a suitable design and downloaded it as dxf file, then I used the Laser work program to develop some aspects on design and make a frame then I set up the settings as we learned with Fab lab specialist.

  • This design contains the cut and engraving settings

  • Scale: 17*5 cm

  • Settings: Red color for engraving at mode cut - speed: 300 - power: 25
    Black color for Cut - speed: 15 - power: 70

Preparing file

And for making a Plastic painting pyramid, first I searched on thingiverse.com for a suitable design and downloaded it as STL file, then I used the Ultimaker Cura program to Slicing then I set up the settings as we learned, then I saved the file as 3MF file to check it before printing with Fab lab specialist.

  • Dimensions: 4*4*3 cm

  • Material: 2G - 0.81 PLA

  • Settings: Layer hight = 0.15 - Infill = 40%, with support

Development/Implementation Process for Bookmark

Explain the development/implementation process of your assignment. How did you use the machine/tool to manufacture or implement the design of your assignment?

  • first, I copied the RLD file to a flash USB to copy it to a laser machine computer.

  • I checked the file with the specialist and he suggested that we can remove the overlap lines and I did that through the laser work software.

  • After that, I downloaded the file to the laser machine.

  • I chose the material, which is plywood with 3 mm thickness, and put it on the working surface.

  • I adjusted the focus, the origin point, and the track frame.. checked the settings, and then ran the file.

Within three minutes, the result came out, but after implementation, we found that the overlap lines were necessary, so I went back to the original file and repeated the process again.

after finishing, I finally got my bookmark and made some post-processing like sanding, and finish the product with clear acrylic spray.


Cutting stage on the laser machine

Development/Implementation Process for painting pyramid

Explain the development/implementation process of your assignment. How did you use the machine/tool to manufacture or implement the design of your assignment?

  • First, I reviewed the 3MF file with Amr and he found that the design doesn't need support, so I removed it, then I extracted the G-code, and I copied the file to SD Card for 3d printer.

Omar helped me to unload the filament and load a new one with the color I chose, which is black.

  • first, I checked the bed and clean it, I put the SD Card, turned on the printer, choose preheat option then I wait for the nozzle until reached 215 degrees and I removed the filament and then I choose the load filament option, and the machine asked the verification question about the color of the material, I checked it then answered yes the color is correct.

  • Then I started working on the file, I chose to print from the SD card, then I chose my file and the printer started working. After about twenty minutes it finished, I waited a few minutes and then pulled the piece off the bed gently and sanded off some of the sediments and the piece was ready.

Community of Learning

Did you ask for feedback? What are the ideas that others have contributed or suggested? What was someone else’s idea that you built upon? How did you help your peers? How did your peers help you?

End result

I have shared the end result with my peers and the feedback was positive, and some suggested coloring the bookmark.

Ahmed Abdel-Fattah was confused about engraving lines at cut mode and scanning, and I explained the settings to him.

Also, the teamwork this week was wonderful, and I suggested during the keychain project on the laser machine that we can change the orientation of the piece during cutting so that the product would be better based on my previous experience in making similar pieces, but Nada mentions that this method may consume more time on the machine...

Overcoming Challenges

When you got stuck, what/who did you turn to? At what point did you have to pause to research or learn more before moving on? What are some mistakes, pitfalls, or challenges that others can avoid if they were doing this assignment?

Most of the problems that I encountered here were during implementation, I found some difficulty in adjusting the focus point in the laser machine, as it was the first time I set up the 3D printer and did the pre-printing stage, and I was a little confused .. but thanks to Omar, he was patient and Teach me the correct way to adjust both of them.

And what I can recommend here is to check the overlapping lines in the laser files well at the design stage.

Final Project

How can you use the skills and knowledge that you've acquired this week in your final project?

A large part of the final project will be based on the use of the laser machine to create a modern Islamic design, so I focused on learning the details of using the machine well and knowing its settings, and with my choice to design the Islamic pattern bookmark, it was almost a preliminary experience of what I will find in the final project and a good opportunity to take notes and Evaluate time and materials in advance.


What is the coolest thing that you've learned this week? What is something that you will never forget from this week?

It was my first time using a 3D printer, and I will certainly never forget that, it was an experience that I had not thought of, I didn't even believe that I would be able to work on 3D design programs because I am far from this field.

and I found much open-source material that will help me in my work, and I decided, whenever possible, to print many of these designs for use in my workshop.


T-Rex from Fabrication Challenge

Weekly Digest [OPTIONAL]

Tell us about any other cool things that you've made this week: in the Hands-on activity, tutorial examples, exercises, or any other cool mini-project that you tried out aside from the assignment.

It was a new experience for me to make a low-fidelity prototype using cardboard in a very, very short time, but it opened up new horizons for me in thinking and how to manage design projects and the steps to implement and present them correctly.

with our low-fidelity Pet feeder

Assignment Design Files