DODe. Lamp Proposal

Project Ideation

1- Tell us about the purpose of your project. Which problem does it solve? Why do you care about this? What were you inspired by? Include images and videos of similar projects

Some of us need, after a long and hard day’s work, to sleep quietly and do a few meditation exercises before bed to enjoy a quiet and comfortable sleep instead of browsing the mobile and based on my interest in modern designs of Islamic art, I wanted to use that to make a smart bedside lamp...

I was excited about this idea for two reasons, the first because I actually suffer from this problem, as my workdays are usually hard and I need something to help me sleep peacefully and practice meditation, and the second is because I want to use Islamic motifs in the manufacture of a smart device to make new designs based on our oriental culture and designs

My main source of inspiration in terms of the idea was our old use of the traditional kerosene lamp and its flame continued until the morning. As for the design idea, it was inspired by the designs of Moroccan and Mamluk lanterns, and in terms of technology, I searched and found similar products on YouTube, and the “Wanasah” project was one of the inspiring projects...

2- Describe the project idea and general features. How would it work?

Smart bedside lamp, which would be sensitive for the level of light, where when the level of light is low, it starts to work automatically at a low brightness until it reaches the appropriate level for sleeping at night and also rotates to spread the ornaments formed on it around in an aesthetic way, and the user can connect the lamp to the mobile through an application that enables him to adjust its settings and turn it off after a specified period, the user can also link it to the alarm to automatically turn on a more intense gradual brightness level in the morning hours to help him wake up.

3- Sketch your project: You may use pen and paper or a simple sketching tool like Microsoft Paint or Photoshop

Project Planning

4- Describe the Technical Modules that your project consists of

Construction Parts

The enclosure and the rotary part of the lamp will be designed as 2.5D parts using Fusion 360 and fabricated using a Laser Cutting machine. all of these parts will be made from 3mm plywood.


(Sensing, Tactile Input, and/or Graphical Input)

The night lamp will take input from the user when using an on/off Switch, Knob, or mobile app. Also, it can take input from an LDR sensor embedded within.


(Physical and/or Graphic)

The night lamp will contain LED bulbs and a motor that will turn on gradually when the user switches it on, or automatically when the sensor senses low light.

The user can also control the intensity of the light manually using the knob or through the mobile application.


An Arduino UNO board will be used take inputs and generate actions

Power Management

The night lamp will be powered using an adaptor. And it would be good to add a battery to work when power outages.

5- Create a cardboard prototype of your project, demonstrating the project face as well as internal movements and mechanisms. Include a demo video and photos of the prototype.

Full figure cardboard prototype

Suggested type of connections

Internal geometry shapes will be discharge

the inner thickness of the lines

6- Categorize your project’s User Features into: Minimum, Complete, and Nice-to-have features. List the required action and input components per feature.

  • Minimum Features: are the least amount of features that would demonstrate the coverage of all the technical modules and their complete integration

  • Complete Features: are the set of features that will complete your original project objective and vision

  • Nice-to-have Features: are the extra set of features that will make the project cooler, yet they need extra time, effort, and/or resources to finish

Minimum User Features

  • The night lamp will start working with a gradual brightness and the motor will start to rotate automatically when the intensity of the light is low.

    • Action: LED, Motor

    • Sensing: LDR sensor

    • User Input: None

  • The user can adjust the intensity of the lighting through the Knob.

    • Action: LCD,LED

    • Sensing: None

    • User Input: Knob

Complete User Features

  • The user can set the timer to turn off the lamp during a period of time by choosing from several preset options.

    • Action: LCD

    • Sensing: None

    • User Input: user pushbuttons

Nice-to-have User Features

  • The user can link the operation of the lamp with the mobile alarm so that the lamp turns on automatically when the alarm turns on

    • Action: Mobile screen

    • Sensing: None

    • User Input: Graphical Push Button

  • Supplying the night lamp with an additional battery to operate when the power is cut off, to operate the lamps only without the motor.

    • Action: LED

    • Sensing: power off sensor

    • User Input: None

7- What are the project tasks and its time-frame?





Design the lamp and components enclosure

  • Create the design on Fusion 360

  • Complete the design on RD-Works



Making the electrical and electronic circuit

  • Circuit design on Fritzing

  • Assembling the circuit components



The code Programming

  • Programming the code on the Arduino IDE

  • Uploading and testing the code and circuit

  • Debugging errors




  • Fabricate and assemble the enclosure parts.

  • Finish the enclosure.

  • Assemble the circuit with the enclosure.

  • Test and debugging.



8- What are the required electronic components and materials for the project?




3 mm Plywood

3 sheets 30*50 cm

Arduino Uno Board




Ram e-shop

5V Small Stepper Motor


5V Small Stepper Motor Driver "ULN2003 Driver Board"


LDR Module


L298 Module


On/Off Switch


Rotary Pot 1kohm


Knob for Rotary Potentiometers


Push Button DS318 – On/Off Switch


Wall Adapter Fixed 9V 2A DC


power jack female


Rotary Encoder Module KY040




Ram e-shop

M3 Screws & Nuts