Final Project Showcase
Project Description
My project is a maze game, controlled by a joystick to move the two servos on the x-axis and y-axis, one of them fix the side part of the base to the center box, and the other one links the center box to the maze box.
On the other two sides, there are no servos, there are two screws to fix the design.
there is a small metal ball that moves when I change the angle of two servos by joystick, the ball has a bath that should go throw it to finish and win the maze, and throw this path there are three touch sensors, two of them were wrong when the ball touch it the led will light red and the buzzer will make a sound which means there is something wrong happen, and the last one is the right touch sensor 'the end of the path' when the ball touch it the led will light with green light and make a specific sound and it will last more than the red one.
Project Shots
while fabricate the maze
After black coloring
The design after fixing the components
Arduino box
Servo fix at the design
Maze fix at the center box with screw