Final Project Proposal

Project Ideation

1- Tell us about the purpose of your project. Which problem does it solve? Why do you care about this? What were you inspired by? Include images and videos of similar projects

Night Watcher (Motion Tracking Light)

Watcher Ablique :

Motion Tracking light is an exterior and interior lighting element. It could be used outside home to reflect safety for residents and warn them from any danger burglars. In addition it could be used inside houses as it is used to turn on/off when someone is available at the room which saves energy. Plus, it turns 180 or 240 degrees in order to track the motion within 3 meters distance from the lighting unit which will make it sufficient instead of using many lighting units, but instead it will focus light wherever the user of the space is standing.

2- Describe the project idea and general features. How would it work?

Phase one : The shape will be sliding and rotating 180 degrees which means that it will be dynamic and with flexable fixation.

Phase Two: there will be a remote control which will control it manually to turn on/ off, rotate it in any direction.

Phase three: it will have motion sensor to recognize either there is someone in the room, the action will be turning the light off/on in order to save energy.

Phase four: it will track the motion of the space user in 3 meters distance in order to light his way and spot light on him while reading or else.

Phase five: the intensity of light is controlable either through the remote control or through the day time (timer which is pre adjusted using mobile application) or through voice recognition.

inspiration of the design construction parts

3- Sketch your project: You may use pen and paper or a simple sketching tool like Microsoft Paint or Photoshop

Project Planning

4- Describe the Technical Modules that your project consists of

Construction Parts

Wood / Acrylic for the design of the lighting element itself and 3d printed parts for the geers and dynamic parts of moving arms to demonstrate the movement of the lighting element


(Sensing, Tactile Input, and/or Graphical Input)

Remote Control (or Graphical Input using Mobile Application)

Light Sensor (LDR Sensor)

Microwave Sensor (proximity)

Servo Motor



(Physical and/or Graphic)

Linear Motion

Led Strip


Arduino Uno to manage the movement of the lighting element parts and the turning off/on the light in response to the light and motion sensor

Power Management

Dc Plug, Battery

5- Create a cardboard prototype of your project, demonstrating the project face as well as internal movements and mechanisms. Include a demo video and photos of the prototype.

The flanges of the moving parts of the lighting element in blooming effect motion

The stem column responsible for the moving effects of the flanges (will be moved using servo motor)


video showing the mechanism of moving the stem


Video showing the mechanism of moving the flanges

6- Categorize your project’s User Features into: Minimum, Complete, and Nice-to-have features. List the required action and input components per feature.

  • Minimum Features: are the least amount of features that would demonstrate the coverage of all the technical modules and their complete integration

  • Complete Features: are the set of features that will complete your original project objective and vision

  • Nice-to-have Features: are the extra set of features that will make the project cooler, yet they need extra time, effort, and/or resources to finish

Minimum User Features

LED Turns on and off when user moves infront of it

    • Action: LED Strip

    • Sensing: Microwave Sensor

    • User Input: + It could be done manually using Graphical Remote Control

  • Blooming effect (moving of Lighting Elements parts that cover the lED light ) when LED Turns on and off

    • Action: Linear Motion using servo motor

    • Sensing: Microwave sensor

    • User Input: + It could be done manually using Graphical Remote Control

Complete User Features

  • Example: Lamp changes color when the user gets closer

    • Action: RGB LED

    • Sensing: Microwave Sensor

    • User Input: None

  • LED Changes Color

    • Action: LED Strip

    • Sensing: none

    • User Input: It could be done manually using Graphical Remote Control

  • LED Changes Intensity in terms to day time

    • Action: LED Strip

    • Sensing: lighting Sensor/ and time

  • User Input: + It could be done manually using Graphical Remote Control

Nice-to-have User Features

  • Mounted wall pot as an accessory of the lED

    • Action: watering according to time

    • Sensing: none

    • User Input: it could be done using graphical input

  • Reminder according to day routine

    • Action: Text on Lcd

    • Sensing: none

    • User Input: none (If applicable : tasks could be input using the graphical remote control application)

7- What are the project tasks and its time-frame?






  1. Design the stem

  2. Design the flanges

  3. Fabric Design

  4. Design the mounting objects

  5. fabricate

10 sept

15 sept

Make the Circuit

Draw the circuit on tinkercad

15 sept

16 sept


  1. Test the components with simple codes

  2. Combine them all together (inputs and outputs)

  3. graphical remote control

16 sept

20 sept

Testing and Development

Test the minimum and complete features + Debugging

20 sept

24 sept


  1. Final Project proposal

  2. Final Project Showcase

  3. Final Project Journal

24 sept

25 sept

8- What are the required electronic components and materials for the project?




Bluetooth module HC-06


Available in Kit

Adafuit Neopixel Ring


Real Time Clock RTC




available in Kit

Switch Key


available in Kit



need of a more powerful Battery in Case it is used as mobile and no plug beside

Adapter 9v


available in Kit

Arduino Uno


available in Kit

LDR Sensor


available in Kit

Microwave Sensor


available in Kit



available in Kit



available in Kit

USB Cable


available in Kit



available in Kit