Mentor Program

In the Salem-Keizer School District we are determined to create a strong career & college going culture in our high schools. North Salem High School has embraced the State of Oregon’s ASPIRE program that offers education, support, and mentoring opportunities for all students. ASPIRE student supports include 1:1 mentoring, group mentoring, and activities or events that focus on career exploration, career and college research, admissions applications, scholarships, and financial aid. If students choose to participate in the mentor program, it is important to know that all ASPIRE staff and community mentors go through a background check and that confidentiality is required as mentors will have access to student academic records. Mentoring will take place in person or in a combination of virtual, electronic communication following North Salem High School guidelines. If you do NOT want your child to participate in the ASPIRE program, please contact your NSHS College College and Career Coach to opt out the ASPIRE program.

En el Distrito Escolar de Salem-Keizer estamos decididos a crear una sólida cultura de carrera y universidad en nuestras escuelas secundarias. North Salem High School ha adoptado el programa ASPIRE del Estado de Oregon que ofrece educación, apoyo y oportunidades de tutoría para todos los estudiantes. Los apoyos estudiantiles de ASPIRE incluyen tutoría 1: 1, tutoría grupal y actividades o eventos que se centran en la exploración de carreras, investigación profesional y universitaria, solicitudes de admisión, becas y ayuda financiera.  Si los estudiantes eligen participar en el programa de mentores, es importante saber que todo el personal de ASPIRE y los mentores de la comunidad pasan por una verificación de antecedentes y que se requiere confidencialidad ya que los mentores tendrán acceso a los registros académicos de los estudiantes. La tutoría se llevará a cabo en persona o en una combinación de comunicación virtual y electrónica siguiendo las pautas de North Salem High School. Si NO desea que su hijo participe en el programa ASPIRE, comuníquese con su guia de colegio y carreras de NSHS para optar por no participar en el programa de ASPIRE.

Turn in your ASPIRE Permission Forms to receive additional assistance with college/career planning, scholarships and more...

 Student Permission Forms are available by filling out 

this google form 😀

Meet your North ASPIRE Mentors!

Russ Elliott 

Russell graduated in 1963 from North Salem High School and is excited to return and contribute to the school experience that is a wonderful memory.  He then graduated from Oregon State University in Engineering Construction Management which allowed him access to a career in construction. He served as owner and president of Elliott Jochimsen Sheets Construction Inc. for 32 years building commercial buildings.  After retiring from construction, he went back to college at Chemeketa to take enough accounting classes to take and pass the Certified Public Accounting tests.  Currently, he continues to work in his office at the Salem Airport managing his investments.  He has a pilot license and his own small airplane which makes going to his hangar office more desirable. The past several years he has been a volunteer presenter in Salem Keizer Schools teaching classes on personal finance, taxes and college preparedness.  He is looking forward to volunteering at NSHS to allow more direct contact with students.  He has been married for 53 years, has 3 college graduate grown sons and 8 grandchildren.

Pat Force

Pat was born and raised in Oregon and has lived in Salem since 2016. He graduated from the University or Oregon with a BA in Finance and also has an MBA. He has been married for 37 years and has 3 grown children and 1 grandchild. Between Pat, his wife and 3 children, 3 of them graduated from the UO and the other 2 from OSU. Pat has spent most of his career in banking and is currently the President of Valley Credit Union in Salem. He enjoys traveling, reading, gardening and taking his dog for long walks.

Megan & Craig Hammond 

Craig and Megan have been living in Salem, Oregon since 2008. They are parents of four fabulous children and a dog named Whoopsie. They also enjoy camping, taking road trips, playing sports and serving in their church and community. Craig & Megan both graduated from Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, IL in the early 2000’s. They both have been involved in working with young people for the past twenty years and are excited to bring this experience as ASPIRE mentors. 

Mark Bernard

Mark is a Regional Transit Coordinator with ODOT Public Transportation Division (PTD) where he currently manages 65 grant agreements with local agencies to program State and Federal transit funding in the Willamette Valley. His current transit agency portfolio is divided evenly between rural and urban providers.

Mark came to Oregon 17 years ago to pursue a master’s degree in Geography at Oregon State University and stayed to learn its statewide planning system. Prior to managing transit grants for the PTD, he served in land use and transportation planning capacities in three rural counties and the state’s two largest Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) areas.

A commitment to volunteerism and dedication to public service motivate Mark to assist the students at North with tough career choices while helping fund public transportation options in rural communities throughout the Willamette Valley.

More North High School Mentors Needed. . .

If you are interested in becoming a North High School Mentor please contact Aylin Corzo at 

***To begin Mentoring students at North Salem High School a volunteer must attend a North/ASPIRE Mentor Training.