
Scholarships Available at Oregon Public Universities - List of Scholarships awarded through admission application and those that require an additional application


Links have been provided for the scholarship website, or PDF of the scholarship application. Students are responsible for reviewing scholarship requirements, deadlines and instructions on each scholarship.

Some scholarship dates listed may be from the prior year's , but has been left on the list to provide students with an approximate time those scholarships are due. This list is not exhaustive. There are thousands of scholarships available.

Enlaces han sido proveídos para la página web o a la aplicación de la beca. Estudiantes tienen la responsabilidad de ponerse al tanto con los requirimientos, fechas limites e instrucciones de cada beca.

Algunas becas tienen fechas del año anterior, pero han sido dejadas para darles a los estudiantes alguna idea de cuando será la fecha limite. Esta lista no abarca todas las becas, hay miles de becas disponibles en línea.

South-only Scholarships

South Saxon's School Specific Scholarships

Local, State and National Scholarships

Salem Scholarship Dollars
Full or near Full tuition scholarships

Websites With More Scholarship Lists/ Páginas con más becas

Scholarships Open to Non- citizens

List of Scholarships

College Board Opportunity Scholarships - Amazing opportunity to earn scholarships just by completing all six steps, most of which students complete anyway! See the FLYER for a quick glance at how many scholarships they are offering!

JVL Counseling-Scholarships listed by deadline, major, age/grade level, and other characteristics. Tiene becas por fecha límite, especialidad, edad/grado y otras características.

Immigrants Rising - List of scholarships that do not require proof of citizenship or legal permanent residency. Lista de becas que no require prueba de cuidadanía o residencia permanente.

United States Hispanic Leadership Institute Scholarship Database

Scholarship Guide - Links to the top 17 Scholarship Search Databases. Tiene la lista de las mejores páginas web para encontrar becas.

Oregon Goes to College - College Cash Campaign

Oregon Gear Up

OSAC (Office of Student Access and Completion) Scholarship Application By completing the OSAC Scholarship you can apply for up to 40 different scholarships using ONE APPLICATION! Completando una aplicación hace a los estudiantes elegibles para hásta 40 becas.

Scholarships open to Undocumented/DACA Students - a list created by that brings scholarship opportunities to one location.