Salisbury Middle School 2020-2021

This webpage has been created to help organize information related to the SALISBURY MIDDLE SCHOOL return to in person learning format. Please continue to check this page for updates because plans could change as new information comes in or as state safety guidelines change. If you have questions please contact Mr. Parliman at or Mr. Sawicki at .

Message from Salisbury Middle School Administration

January 2021

Dear SMS Families:

We hope this communication finds everyone doing well. We are working hard to provide all the necessary preparations and procedures for students to return back to brick and mortar. Our goal is to bring students back into the building in a safe and timely manner as we transition from remote to in person learning. In addition, please continue to check our district website for current and up to date information regarding our district's Health and Safety Plan.

New arrival and drop off procedures will be implemented, please see the online map and the SMS Arrival and Dismissal Procedures by clicking on the link: SMS Arrival and Dismissal Procedures and Transportation Procedures. Each morning parents/guardians should complete a temperature check for their child prior to bus stop, walking to school, or being dropped off at school. Any students with a temperature of 100.4 or greater and/or experiencing COVID-19 symptoms should not be sent on a bus or report to school. Please click this link for screening protocols: COVID-19: Screening Checklist for Visitors and Staff

Students must be in their class at 7:45AM for attendance. Once students enter their designated entrance door (see below) students report directly to their homeroom and attendance will be taken.

  • Bus Students: Students will exit their bus and proceed to their entry point as assigned by grade levels to report to their designated class for attendance.

  • 5th Grade: enter through the doors far left on the lower level and report directly to their designated class for attendance.

  • 6th Grade: enter through doors at the bottom of the stairs on the lower level and report directly to their designated class for attendance.

  • 7th Grade: enter through the main doors and report directly to their designated class for attendance.

  • 8th Grade: enter through the main doors veer right walking past the Health Room and report directly to their designated class for attendance.

Please refer to this website for a comprehensive list of building level protocols and procedures. We look forward to working with our families as we plan to bring our students safely back to SMS.


Mr. Parliman, Principal

Mr. Sawicki, Assistant Principal