Favorite Links

www.newsela.com This website lets you customize the Lexile Level to match your reading level! Each current event article is written on several levels to help you find a reading level appropriate for you. Recommended for 3rd grade or above.

www.abcya.com This website offers free games to help reinforce skills in Reading and Math for all grade levels. They also have an app which allows 6 free games each week.

www.readingrockets.org This website is an informational website for parents to help readers at all levels.

www.starfall.com This website is designed to reinforce skills in reading and math for grades K-3.

www.storylineonline.net This website has adults (some celebrities) reading aloud children's books.

www.seussville.com This fun and entertaining website has all things Dr. Seuss!

www.kids.nationalgeographic.com This website has games, videos, and lots of information about the world around us.