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Fr. Tom Dunne – SDB Delegate 


Fr. Tom Dunne is a Salesian of Don Bosco who currently serves as the SDB Province Delegate to the Salesian Cooperator Provincial Council and local centers in the Province of St. Philip (US East). He has served as delegate for eight years (2006-2009 and 2016-the present). Fr. Dunne also serves as the SDB Province Delegate to the Salesian Family in Canada and the US East. 

Before becoming Province Delegate, Fr. Dunne served as local delegate for a Salesian Cooperator Center in East Boston, MA. While in that role, Fr. Dunne took part in the Salesian Cooperator Regional Congress of the Anglophone Region in Hyannisport, Massachusetts and an Encounter of the Salesian Cooperators from the three Provinces of North America. 

As Province Delegate, Fr. Tom Dunne has participated in two Salesian Cooperator World Congresses, one Interamerica Regional Congress and two  Interamerica Regional Encounters. In 2019, Fr. Tom Dunne took part in the Forming the Formator Workshop for the Salesian Cooperators in the three North American Provinces. In the last five years, Fr. Dunne (accompanied by the FMA Salesian Cooperator Provincial Delegate) visited all of the Salesian Cooperator local centers throughout the St. Philip (US East) Province. 

Delegate's Role

Sr. Theresa Gutierrez – FMA Delegate 


Delegate's Role

Denise Dunn – Coordinator 


On May 22, 1999, I made my Promise at the Marian Shrine in Stony Point, NY and was happy to be there again as part of the 2021 Marian Day Team to celebrate my 22 nd anniversary as a Cooperator! I belong to the Goshen, NY Center and have served as Secretary on both the Local and Provincial Levels. I am grateful for the opportunity to be part of the Provincial Council again and look forward to my new role as Archivist. God has blessed me with a wonderful husband, two beloved daughters, and their goats! I live out my vocation within my family; as catechist, Coordinator of Live Stations of the Cross, and other ministries in my parish. I am a 4H Leader and have organized teen service projects through 4H, my parish, and local Catholic schools. I have mentored youth with developmental or learning disabilities, and worked as cook and substitute “mom” for alcoholics and addicts at a Crisis Center. The latter allowed me to bring the Light of God’s Love into some very dark places. For all these opportunities, I rejoice

Coordinator's Role

Convokes Meetings

Represent the Association

Accompany “Remote”


Collaborate with Regional

and World Councils

Participate with the Regional

Consulta of the SF

Prepare Verification Reports,

Announce the Congress, and

Announce Elections

Teresa Lynchesky – Secretary 


I made my promises in January 2019 at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Crystal Lake, IL. I am now a part of the St. Mary Mazzarello center in St. Charles, IL. Besides spending time with my husband and 4 kids I spend my time as a Confirmation Cathestist, mentoring engaged couples, and working on the marriage ministry at my parish. I also help with Worldwide Marriage Encounter. 

Secretary's Role

Jim Desmond– Treasurer 


Treasurer's Role

Bernie Pontillo

 Formator-formation@salesiancooperatorsusaeast.org Bernie Pontillo

Foramtor's Role

Draw up a Formation Plan, for Asiprants, Draw up a Plan for Ongoing, Formation, Follow Through on all, aspects of formation, throughout the Province, working closely with the, Delegates

Julia Wagner – Communications Councilor & Liason 


I made my promises in January 2019 at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Crystal Lake, IL. I am now a part of the St. Mary Mazzarello center in St. Charles, IL. Besides spending time with my husband and 4 kids I spend my time as a Confirmation Cathestist, mentoring engaged couples, and working on the marriage ministry at my parish. I also help with Worldwide Marriage Encounter. 

Communication's Role

Gerado Faz – Communications Councilor


Liason's Role

Joanne  Fusaro -Family and  Youth Ministry Councilor

familyandym@salesiancooperatorsusaeast.org Joanne Fusaro  

I became a Salesian Cooperator in December 2018.   I have been involved with youth ministry for over 20 years and I been the Coordinator of Youth Ministry for my parish, St. Frances Cabrini, located in Brooklyn, New York, for the past 10 years.  In addition to working with the children of the parish, I am the facilitator for the Young Adult Group (18-30 years old) and LIFE Ministry (30-55 years old.)  Also, for the past 37 years, I have worked as a legal administrator for a mid-town law firm.