Day 16 Resources

Facebook/Remind Challenge

I miss getting to see what you are writing about too! If you would like to share one of your story pages from your packet with your friends and me, we would love to see your writing and your beautiful illustration!

Read Aloud

Optional Writing Activity

Packet Fun

Don't forget to check out our other website to help with your packet...and to sing some fun songs too!

Sometimes it's hard to think positively like Pete the Cat. Mojo really struggles with positive thinking in these videos. Thankfully, he learns how. Watch these videos to learn how you can be more like Pete!

Questions from Class Dojo to think about...

  1. What happened that made Mojo so embarassed? What are the facts?

  2. Mojo tells himself a story, imagining what his friends think of him. What is the difference between the story he tells him and the facts of what actually happened?

  3. Why might the made-up stories we tell ourselves make us sad?

  1. What really happens when the story you tell yourself takes over?

  2. Share about a time a bad story took over you.

  3. What can you do to fight a bad story?

  1. Why is the phrase "What if..." so powerful in this situation?

  2. What positive stories have you told yourself lately?

  3. What positive story can you tell about the rest of your day right now?