
Students will use canvas this year as a learning management system both in school and at home. Students will access canvas by logging into the Chromebook and going to the Chrome browser and choosing the home button or by logging into a Chrome browser and going to the home button or going to . Students will find information and assignments for class within Canvas.

This video shows how an elementary student will log into their Chromebook and how they will access Canvas.

Canvas Log In for Students

This video shows how secondary students will log into their Chromebook and how they will access Canvas.

Canvas student log in

Canvas Student Log In

This video takes a tour of all of the icons within Canvas that students and parents will use.

Canvas Observer

Parents and Guardians can access courses for their student as an observer. Your student will need to provide a pair code to connect to observer. You can view parts of the course, you will not be able to see discussion boards, or quizzes and tests.

The instructions for pairing student accounts can be found here: Creating a Canvas Observer Account

Canvas Parent/Guardian Log In

Canvas Tips for Parents